Alright, here's an awkward topic but I need advice/insight



  • jelndcl4ever
    jelndcl4ever Posts: 6 Member
    Try massaging your stomach daily going clockwise. This is the direction that your intestine are running. Things may not be moving along and "getting stuck." If you like yogurt, eat it daily also, it'll help stabalize your intestinal track, the good bacteria!
    If you need a more details on a stomach massage. Make a massage appt and ask if the therapist is willing to give a stomach massage and show you what to do.
    I always do this with my little girl when she hasn't gone in awhile... it always helps!:wink::smile: :smile:
  • iamnoangel
    My youngest daughter has been like that her whole life. Just recently she stopped eating bread and she has been a different person, regular, less bloated, she doesnt get cranky. She just stopped eating anything bread carbs, basically anything white.
    \Worked for her.....hope you get to the bottom of it! I know how uncomfortable it made her. Really hope you get some help!
  • lincolnpalmer
    lincolnpalmer Posts: 28 Member
    The question isn't how many times a week, the question is how many times a day...

    When you eat, and especially chew, it should trigger a natural contraction of your bowels called peristalsis which moves things through. This happens for me almost every meal.

    The longer matter stays in your bowels, the more unhealthy it is.

    If you have an open mind, go to this site:

    I've done this cleanse and it works miracles. All natural.

    If you try it you WILL move!

    Some people just have naturally slow bowels and it takes some waking up and exercise for them to act regularly.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Wow. I go 2-3 times a day. Maybe drink more water and eat more fiber?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I saw something about this on Dr. oz not long ago... i'll try to find a link for you...

    Thank you :)

    If its from Dr Oz its probably cr*p - no pun intended!!
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    I had a look at your diet, and it appears that most days, you are eating close to what you should for fibre. Women require about 25g of fibre per day for normal functioning. However, what stuck out to me was that almost all of your fibre is coming from vegetables, which is generally soluble fibre. You also need insoluble fibre, which absorbs water, and helps to move things along in your intestines. Insoluble fibre is found in whole grains, bran, seeds, and nuts. You don't seem to have much, if any, in your diet.

    I agree that you should see your doctor. This isn't normal. But unless you have a sensitivity to grains, I would suggest that you start adding some in each day. Always supplement with lots of water (as mentioned by many others, it's very important).

    I used to have issues, going only once every 4-5 days. I'm not a sandwich person, and don't eat bread with my meals, so I had difficulty adding insoluble fibre to my diet until I changed my breakfast habits. I now start my day with a big glass of water (16 oz, 500 ml), followed by a serving of Red River Cereal, which is a hot cereal of unprocessed whole grains (unlike sloppy oatmeal, this actually has texture). A small serving (with a touch of cinnamon, some brown sugar, and a handful of raisins) fills me up, and all but guarantees me a daily BM.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The question isn't how many times a week, the question is how many times a day...

    When you eat, and especially chew, it should trigger a natural contraction of your bowels called peristalsis which moves things through. This happens for me almost every meal.

    The longer matter stays in your bowels, the more unhealthy it is.

    If you have an open mind, go to this site:

    I've done this cleanse and it works miracles. All natural.

    If you try it you WILL move!

    Some people just have naturally slow bowels and it takes some waking up and exercise for them to act regularly.

    I am sorry - but there is absolutely no need to do a cleanse and you do not need to "GO' multiple times a day.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Use Miralax and Benefiber daily. you can add them to anything, they are tasteless.

    You don't have to drink "just water". Try flavored water (lemon, cukes, etc), crystal light...anything...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    First let me say how sorry I am for what you're going through!

    Normal, as you've seen in the responses here, is a relative thing. Most people void about once a day to every other day.
    If it's been two weeks since you eliminated it certainly merits further investigation. I BET you're in pain!!

    My suggestion is threefold:

    #1: Most Important: I agree with folks here who suggest going to a GI doctor--honestly sooner rather than later. You're super young to get a lower endoscopy or a barium study but with your symptoms and inability to void it might be indicated. They might want to look inside and see if there is something going on.

    #2: Helping the bowels evacuate is idealing a two-way job. Attack from above--with one or two of: water, fiber, laxative, prunes, apple etc etc whatever feels right. But also--attack from below. Use a suppository or an enema. If there IS a blockage nothing you put in your stomach is going to help. It has no where to go--and might only increase your pain and discomfort--all without effect.

    #3: See the GI guy or a nutritionist about prevention. So hopefully it won't be a problem anymore!! Obviously natural solutions are better than pharmacutical--but hey--whatever gets you to go!!!

    Cuz everyone loves a good poop!!

    ps and bravo for being uncomfortable about bringing it up...and doing it anyway!!

    (From WebMD)
    Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem. Common causes of constipation include:

    * Inadequate water intake.
    * Inadequate fiber in the diet.
    * A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling.
    * Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility.
    * Eating large amounts of dairy products.
    * Stress.
    * Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids.
    * Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles.
    * Hypothyroidism.
    * Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
    * Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum.
    * Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants or iron pills).
    * Depression.
    * Eating disorders.
    * Irritable bowel syndrome.
    * Pregnancy.
    * Colon cancer.

    In some cases, lack of good nerve and muscle function in the bowel may also be a cause.

    Warning About Constipation

    Call your doctor if:
    Constipation is a new problem for you.
    You have blood in your stool.
    You are losing weight even though you are not dieting.
    You have severe pain with bowel movements.
    Your constipation has lasted more than two weeks.

  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I have a similar problem - I am lucky to go once - at most twice - a week. I'm always bloated and miserable and having pains. I've upped my fiber, taken over the counter pills but nothing helps. I see a doctor routinely for fibro so I will be discussing this with my doctor on my next visit in May. I've always been embarrassed and attributed it to poor eating. I could remedy my situation now by eating Long John Silver's everyday, but..... lol.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've always had trouble and I know that, for me, it runs in my family. Fiber supplements make me worse. I can go 2-3 days without going at times. None of us have ever had any issues with it other than annoyance. If you are very concerned, I'd see a doctor. It is, quite literally, a pain in the butt.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    I feel your pain, once I started my new much healthier diet I had
    the same sort of problems, although not near to the same extent.
    One thing I've done is get a fibre supplement (Metamucil with vitamin B)
    and it has helped a little.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    If you've had a prolonged problem with constipation (I had a kid who did this once, sigh -- this is where I got my information), your bowel can get overstretched. It's a muscle, and when it gets overstretched it doesn't squeeze as well as it should, so, the problem becomes self-perpetuating.

    The solution in my child's case was for her to have a bowel movement every single day until her colon recovered from its overstretched condition. At first this had to be done with enemas; then with suppositories, then finally she could go on her own every day without those, at which point the bowel was considered to be "recovered." If your problem is severe enough that you can *see* your distended bowel, I would guess that you are in similar condition -- you're going to need to keep it cleaned out until it gets a chance to recover. If it were me, I'd start with the Colace (the stuff they give you before a colonoscopy...), and then I'd use an enema or suppository (the mildest thing that will work) plus fiber and lots of fluids to make sure I went every single day, until I could do it without those.

    Do not leave this untreated. If your bowel ruptures, you are in the... um... well. Take care of this. If your doc is not taking it seriously, go to the ER. This needs to be dealt with. It is potentially life-threatening.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    see a specialist. There are huge ranges on what is a normal amount to poop, but anything that is causing you pain is not normal. please get it checked out!
  • LilCrissieBug
    I have the same problem. Im lucky if I can go once a week. My husband goes maybe twice a day. We make the joke about how food will make its appearance for him overnight and for me it takes about 5 to 7 business days. Lol. I would probably drop another 10 pounds if I could just freaking empty out. I sometimes find that coffee can help if I drink enough of it. Thats about it. Good luck!
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    A friend of mine had a very similar situation, and taking a couple of tablespoons of flax oil off the spoon helped her tremendously. Every day or two, helps lubricate the voyage. She is now also on probiotics and has no issues anymore. Make sure you are drinking enough water.

    But still, go to the doctor.
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    Definitely see a doc - my friend suffered this way for a long time...turned out she has an intolerance with protein, her body couldn't break it down properly. They just kept telling her she must be eating something wrong and then the 'healthier' she ate the worse it got....cos she was eating lots of lean healthy protein!
  • groovyfirechick
    From a medical standpoint this is very dangerous. If your stool gets impacted it can cause necrosis in your bowel. That will get you sent to the hospital and they will have to remove the impaction along with part of your bowel....or you would get sepsis and die You don't want to end up with a colostomy bag.....or die I'd get to the bottom of this issue right away before it gets more serious. I'm surprised your doc didn't do anything about it.

    I hope you feel better soon! *HUGS*
  • lauralaurafish
    lauralaurafish Posts: 50 Member
    Here's where I get all motherly: you should be moving your bowels at LEAST once a day. It's normal to be constipated every once in a while, but it sounds to me like you may have a chronic condition and I would highly recommend you see your doctor or ideally a specialist, although your GP would be a good place to start.

    No offense to the people posting home remedies, but this is not a simple case of "Gee, I haven't pooped for a couple days."

    Not trying to freak you out, but you want to be feeling your best, right!? Go see your doctor!
    If you've had a prolonged problem with constipation (I had a kid who did this once, sigh -- this is where I got my information), your bowel can get overstretched. It's a muscle, and when it gets overstretched it doesn't squeeze as well as it should, so, the problem becomes self-perpetuating.

    The solution in my child's case was for her to have a bowel movement every single day until her colon recovered from its overstretched condition. At first this had to be done with enemas; then with suppositories, then finally she could go on her own every day without those, at which point the bowel was considered to be "recovered." If your problem is severe enough that you can *see* your distended bowel, I would guess that you are in similar condition -- you're going to need to keep it cleaned out until it gets a chance to recover. If it were me, I'd start with the Colace (the stuff they give you before a colonoscopy...), and then I'd use an enema or suppository (the mildest thing that will work) plus fiber and lots of fluids to make sure I went every single day, until I could do it without those.

    Do not leave this untreated. If your bowel ruptures, you are in the... um... well. Take care of this. If your doc is not taking it seriously, go to the ER. This needs to be dealt with. It is potentially life-threatening.
    ^^ THIS

    PLEASE go to a different physician as soon as possible. Not having a bowel movement in that amount of time should concern you, but most importantly, if you can "see" your bowel protruding that should be extremely alarming to you! In fact, you should probably get off the internet on health issues like these and go directly to the ER
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member

    Thank you for being motherly :) Yes, I think you're right. I should go get this looked at. I have been negligent about it

    Of course! And you're gonna be fine - in fact, you'll be great once you get a direction from a specialist on how to handle your issue! (It sounds like your GP has been brushing you off, mine's done that in the past about other health probs and I find it frustrating.)

    Good luck!