girls and texting....

stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
Okay so this is something i just do not understand.... I have a lot of friends that text me who are girls... However if I don't text them straight away or for a few days, they think I am annoyed at them.. some thinking I hate them

I work all day and I do have a life and sometimes I Just cannot be bothered texting thats the truth

Are all girls like this?? and why?? it drives me up the wall sometimes


  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    yeah if i don't return texts right away I've had some think i was rude.
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 297 Member
    It takes two seconds to say ...hey, busy day today...thinking of you! Some girls are needy....I am one of those girls and that's all that it would take to make me happy...just my very smart!
  • xonashwaox
    xonashwaox Posts: 108
    Not ALL girls are like that but I guess the rule of thumb now is that just like returning a phone call its appropriate to return a text within the same day?? Maybe some of these ladies have a more vested interest in you so when you do not return the texts they are afraid you no longer have the same interest in them? I think when it comes to non verbal communication and the use of technology a lot of things can become misconstrued. NOW WHY HAVENT YOU TEXTED ME BACK YET!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just Kidding!!:wink:
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I wonder this about men, too. I'm always forgetting to text people back. It's not me trying to be rude... I'm just busy and lose track of my phone :P
  • royalty_mind_1me
    royalty_mind_1me Posts: 278 Member
    this might be true cause you said it right...GIRLS! real WOMAN don't have time for mess like that, we have a life and don't sit by our cells waiting for a "response"! lol

    another least they just friends...if it was more than that, I say move on:explode: or thats what will happen!

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  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    It takes two seconds to say ...hey, busy day today...thinking of you!

    This or..."I am very busy today" <--- That would be good just to say for 2 seconds....But then again, sometimes I forget to text back..maybe for 30 minutes to 2 hours....but never a few days....That can be rude lol especially if we were in the middle of a conversation.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Haha, sadly a lot of girls are like this from (my experience, anyway)
    Not much you can do about it.

    There is one good thing about it though; they clearly like you enough that they get thoughts in their head about you being annoyed at them or hating them simply because you didn't reply to a text.
  • my theory is if i send someone a text and don't hear back i assume they are busy but if i had hoped to hang out and knew they didn't have plans i would wonder if they didn't want to hang with me and why...
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Yea but its more to the point I cant be bothered typing a text.... my fat fingers struggle and it takes me time to write a simple text if I am not paying enough attention...
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    i think it just depends on the girl. i think it could be a security thing to some getting that text back. for me if a guy doesnt respond i assume he is busy like you said working or having a life. i wouldnt think he "hated" me or anything unless i had a valid reason in thinking that. i just wait i mean when you have time you have time. it shouldnt be such a big issue, but i definitely know for some of my friends it is. they always assume the whole he hates me line and such.

    not to change the subject though, why do guys semi do the same thing!? they text you and if you dont respond they send another text sometimes 3 more as if you didnt get the text blowing up your phone!? im busy at times too, so i also cant respond right away!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Haha well some people are devoted to constantly texting, and can't understand that others have no desire to be constantly connected. You could tell them to call instead, or give them some time limits, like "these are my office hours where I don't have time to take personal calls or texts" then try to get back to them within a day. A few days seems like you're trying to get rid of them entirely. It if they really annoy you, maybe they aren't as close to you as originally thought.
    Your guns bring all the girls to the yard. :tongue:
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Sorry but guys do the SAME THING! 2 examples in the last month: I didn't respond to a guy for 2 days because my phone was being a piece and when I finally did he told me he thought I was ignoring him. A few days ago someone else texted me and when I didn't respond he FB stalked me and asked me why I didn't want to hang out with him. So yeah, NOT JUST GIRLS!
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 297 Member
    It takes two seconds to say ...hey, busy day today...thinking of you!

    This or..."I am very busy today" <--- That would be good just to say for 2 seconds....But then again, sometimes I forget to text back..maybe for 30 minutes to 2 hours....but never a few days....That can be rude lol especially if we were in the middle of a conversation.
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 297 Member
    Yea but its more to the point I cant be bothered typing a text.... my fat fingers struggle and it takes me time to write a simple text if I am not paying enough attention... ya WANT to keep a girl interested or no? If you're interested you'll struggle with those fingers and send a darn text!! LOL
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I wonder this about men, too. I'm always forgetting to text people back. It's not me trying to be rude... I'm just busy and lose track of my phone :P

    exactly this
  • Nu_Mel
    Nu_Mel Posts: 48
    I wonder this about men, too. I'm always forgetting to text people back. It's not me trying to be rude... I'm just busy and lose track of my phone :P

    ^^^ this.

    My friends have learnt not to text me, but call instead. In my house it 's my husband who gets uptight if no-one texts him back, including me, just as bad if you don't answer the phone :laugh:
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Okay so this is something i just do not understand.... I have a lot of friends that text me who are girls... However if I don't text them straight away or for a few days, they think I am annoyed at them.. some thinking I hate them

    I work all day and I do have a life and sometimes I Just cannot be bothered texting thats the truth

    Are all girls like this?? and why?? it drives me up the wall sometimes

    Females can multitask, men not so much and some women don't understand this.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Sorry but guys do the SAME THING! 2 examples in the last month: I didn't respond to a guy for 2 days because my phone was being a piece and when I finally did he told me he thought I was ignoring him. A few days ago someone else texted me and when I didn't respond he FB stalked me and asked me why I didn't want to hang out with him. So yeah, NOT JUST GIRLS!

    True True...Guys the same too :laugh:
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Jumping to the conclusion that you hate them is pretty outrageous, but I think it's basic courtesy to respond in some way, at least within the day. It's the same as if they called and left you a message, they're expecting that you'll respond. My solution was to just make a quick message in my "Notes" app (this is assuming you have a smartphone of some kind) that says, "Hey, I'm really busy today. I'll give you a call this evening." I just copy and paste it into a reply text and it's taken care of.
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I genuinely forget to text people back cause I simply lose track. Honestly, guys are the same. And no not all girls are like that, it depends on your relationship with them. If the girl likes you enough to think about you or wait for your reply in the meantime then they probably just think that maybe something's wrong. They're insecure I guess. It'd be the same for guys, if I don't reply and they like me 'more than just a friend', they'd get a little weird on me. If it's just the usual friendship then that shouldn't be the case. I can relate to you, I just can't be bothered to reply sometimes. Uhh what can we do hahaha.