New Newbie

I am very excited to try this website! It seems very much like the ones I have tried thru BL and WW... but this one seems much better and has alot more to offer... being FREE is definately a big plus for me.. which is why I always backed out of the others. I felt like I was wasting money when I didn't have time to log in everyday. This should be extremely helpful! I am ssssoooo excited!


  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    add me been on about a month. Came here for support, My husband likes to bring me food and chocolate. I think he feels threatened if I lose weight because someone might pay attention to me.
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    Add me if you want. I've been on since January and I love it!!!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Welcome to mfp. This is a great place to make friends that offer a lot of support and motivation. Feel free to add me.
    JTHRONES Posts: 75
    Add me if you want. I need all the help I can get! Anyone can add me ;D