30ds questions

Here on MFP, I have been reading success stories and maybe some things that might qualify as "horror" stories *shudders* about this dvd, and it makes me want to get it. The biggest question I have is how to log it? How many calories have ya'll been burning or is there even a way to know? I am pretty over weight (224 currently) and terribly out of shape complete with a big mommy pooch =( WHY WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE??? YOU AREN'T WANTED!!!! hahhaha. Is this program going to kill me (lol) I have a 3 year old to chase after all day who has unlimited energy reserves lol.

Also, are there any tips or advice anyone has before I buy this?

Thanks for any responses ^_^



  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    While I'm not overweight, I'm not exactly in shape either -- doing 30 DS was the first semblance of any sort of exercise I've done in a long while. It was pretty difficult at first, but I kept with it and it's getting easier. I'm on Level 3 right now, and while it's still hard, it's doable and rewarding! I'm happy with my results thus far. Just push through the unpleasant parts and it'll be worth it. Side note: I've found that I like each subsequent level more than the latter.

    Anyway...I can't exactly speak from your position as to whether or not it will kill you, but I doubt it :P Just modify as needed, do your best, and push yourself to do a little bit better each day. Most importantly - do it at your own pace! You don't have to do it for 30 straight days if you don't want to! JM herself actually recommends a schedule like this: 2 days 30DS, 1 day cardio, 2 days 30DS, 1 day cardio, rest. One recommendation I would make: STRETCH. The stretches she does (particularly in the cool-down, IMO) are not long enough to properly stretch your muscles. Stretching more will help minimize the soreness. For the first few days, I was incredibly sore/tight the day after, but then I started stretching more and haven't had problems since.

    About logging -- if you don't have a HRM, you'll never know an accurate calorie burn. However, many people log the 30DS as 20ish minutes of "circuit training - general" under cardio exercises. I saw on another thread a formula, apparently posted on JM's website, which helps you estimate your burn. It's:

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out.

    If you're still hesitant about buying it, Level 1 is available on Youtube. You can watch it, or even try it -- see if you like it! That's what I did. I actually did all 10 days of Level 1 on my laptop, watching the video on Youtube, then when it was time to move onto Level 2 I downloaded it from Amazon (same with Level 3). Here's the link to Level 1, in case you want to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    I did it about 5 times a week, As the above poster said STRETCH!! Esp as this is the first exercise for you! I did it Mon - Fri and normally did other stuff on the weekends.

    I personally logged it as Calistenetics (20 mins high intesity and 8 minutes as low intensity) and on the 2 occasions I used my friend HRM it was pretty spot on.

    Good luck x
  • BosLady1
    BosLady1 Posts: 83
    Thanks for the replies =)

    I actually just finished day 1 (@12:46 am Saturday local time) using the suggestion to check it out on youtube. I am so exhausted but so happy at the same time that I finished. I had been doing Billy Blanks Boot Camp (the tae bo quy) and doing it alone I spent more time figuring out how to move than actually moving (last time I had help from my ex..I am so uncoordinated lol).... But with Jillian I actually kept moving the whole time minus a couple quick water breaks =)

    I am already sore but excited to continue on. We will see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow lol thanks again!

    PS> can't wait to post to the 30 ds results thread! Just saw that post and wow am I impressed!