Bad back

HI. Does anyone have a bad back? I really want to garden (first time we've had one) and after doing 20min my back is in AGONY. I seriously could just cry. I had chronic back pain for about 14 years - had every test under the sun done, nothing found wrong. End 2009 I fell pg and back pain completely disappered and stayed away right until my 2nd child was born last year Sept. Now its back. Been seeing a physio every couple weeks - says due to pg my lower discs are not happy and probably I've always overdone it, thats why my back has hurt for so long. I'm doing some weight exercises to help strengthen it (and rest of my body).

But I want to garden!! :-( Anyone else suffer? Any tips for me how I can still garden? Thanks.


  • pinguwings

    It sounds like you're doing alot of the right things, strength exercises will help, also non weight bearing exercise such as swimming is great for back pain sufferers. You can take a long term low dose of non steroidal anti-inflammatorys to help keep pain under control - check with your doctor first. When taken regularly these can really help. There are also back supports - look like corsets - ask your physio about these.

    When you garden try as much as possible not to bend your back but to use your knees, you can use a very low stool or even a cushion to kneel on - you can buy something called a garden kneeler. Do not jerk your back trying to lift anything heavy and do not twist your back. You can buy aids such as long reach tools which prevent you over stretching. Limit your time. Try 10 mins one day and then stop and see how your back is 24 hours later. If it's ok then gradually increase.

    Hope that helps
  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks very much for your reply and suggestions. :-)