
Hey guys,

Last summer, I tried P90X for the first time. I lasted about three weeks, but then the motivation basically disappeared. The past few months, I've lost close to 20 pounds, and I feel great. But, this summer... I really want to try P90X again. I feel that if I can actually SEE results, perhaps that's the motivation I need. This post is for a few things. First, would anyone like to do it with me? We can talk about progress and who knows... maybe even turn it into a game? And secondly, those of you who have finished all 90 days, maybe you can share with me your secrets to getting through it (what to focus on, what to tell myself, etc.)

Let me know!


  • twhit24
    twhit24 Posts: 13
    Just finishing my second round of P90X this week! Love it! How do I stay motivated for 90 days? I can't think of it as 90 days, sounds too long. I just think of it as one day at a time(cliche I know) but it's what gets me through. I like something challenging and for me P90X is it, no way I'm gonna let myself quit.

    Great job on losing the 20lbs so far. Sounds like you're motivated and ready to 'Bring It' this time. Heck you made it almost 1/3 of the way last time, you've got this! I've been through it twice now...are there any questions you have about the workouts/diet at all?

    When are you planning on starting?
  • simplyfitt
    Hey, I actually have a challenge group going on facebook for people doing P90X starting May 14th! It is all about eating healthy and staying committed for the full 90 days of the program! It is going to be great accountability and support! I am sending you a friend request message me if you are interested!