Please help! I have a 1200 base calorie limit, and I am ALWAYS hungry! I need to know some foods that are low-calorie, but still filling. I do drink a lot of Rec Bull almost every day, but I have to, just to keep myself awake. I need ideas that are less than 100 calories, please!


  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Drinking a ton of Red Bull to stay awake? Either you're not sleeping long enough, or I'd get your hemoglobin checked for anemia or a thyroid problem. I've been there, being tired all the time sucks! Supplements are an easier and healthier fix if it's an underlying health issue :) Those are just 110 empty calories you're wasting there on every drink! You could eat snacks instead!

    Far as 100 cal snacks, I like fruit, veggies with fat free ranch, pretzel sticks (110 per serving, close enough LOL) or a small salad with fat free dressing and misc. veggies in it.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Based on the amount of weight you want to lose, it seems like your calorie limit is very low. How much are you set to lose each week? I would think one pound would be plenty. If you are feeling that hungry, then i think it's not set quite right.

    Are you at least drinking diet Red Bull? If not, consider switching to a few shots of espresso to keep you going and replacing those calories with proteins. Lean proteins are probably good for making you feel more full longer. Tuna, chicken or turkey probably.

    In terms of low cal foods, most fresh veggies are very low. You could eat bags of baby spinach for 50 calories. Maybe the same in 2 whole cucumbers or green peppers. But i suspect you'll just be hungry again quite soon after.

    When i'm feeling really hungry, i often have a small handful of almonds.

    You might also try opening your diary so people can have a look and try to help you.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Just eat more. 1200 NET is far too low for the majority of people anyway.

    Snacks that would be filling are anything protein-based. Greek yoghurt, meat, eggs, cheese, milk, etc.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    most fruit
    air popped popcorn with seasonings
    home made fruit smoothie
    egg whites
    green beans
    peanut butter (be careful with this one)
    1/2 bagel
    fruit juice popsicles
    some canned soups have less than 100 calories

    those are some of my regulars!
  • stilettofury
    stilettofury Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the input. I've been trying to stick to a lot of veggies and whatnot, but I just stay hungry. And @kurenakumo, I really don't get enough sleep, with a demanding job and a 3 year old at home...the Red Bull is almost a necessary evil. But sugar-free may be an option. I just don't know what to do. I'll fix a huge salad, and be hungry again 30 minutes later. I think I made my log public so y'all can look and see how I'm screwing it up. Again, thanks so much for all the help!
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    Hi there stilettofury. I am also on 1200 cals per day. Whenever I am particularly hungry between meals one of my favourite snacks are little bags of "Simply Nature's Mix" - sultanas, pumpkin seeds, almonds and cranberries (by Uncle Toby's). Although the bags are only little, they are very nutritious, filling.. and delicious! - 152 cals per bag (If you are not in Australia, this particular brand is likely not available, but you should be able to find something similar where you live)..
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I looked at your diary. PLEASE cut out some of the soda and red bull. I'm normally not so concerned about this but you're having one almost every meal (sometimes 2).

    I promise you that if you cut out all of the soda and replace those calories with protein, carbs and fat you'll feel MUCH better during the day. Try and wean yourself off of them.

    protein protein protein
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Maybe you should switch to Coffee and Tea instead of drinking Red Bull. Full of sugar, you will essentially be eliminating all those wasted calories by not drinking it.

    Plus I was just reading that Red Bull only has like 80mg of Caffeine per can whereas certain coffee's can have up to like 200mg. Just find one that has around 100mg per cup or something?
  • NoSharpei
    NoSharpei Posts: 73
    I absolutely 1000% agree with roachhaley. I just looked at your diary too. The reason you are so tired is likely more to do with the fact that you are malnourished. The incredible number of Red Bull's that you consume each week is not meeting your nutritional needs. Perhaps you might consider a couple of visits with a qualified dietician? He or she can discuss your specific needs and point you in the direction of meals that will meet both your nutritional requirements as well as your lifestyle and food preferences. Please, please, please start weaning yourself off the Red Bull (...I used to drink 12 coffees a day - hollow, nothing calories that rob you of allowance better attributed to good food!) ... All the best to you. I hope you work this out :flowerforyou:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Is this a troll? Seriously. You are hungry because you drink your calories in the form of a nutritionally worthless, caffeine and sugar filled soft drink.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I agree with Zichu, coffee or tea are much better than red bull especially in that amount - especially with the amount of taurine in it. Though synthetic in red bull I remember studying it in psychology at college and the effects were not very nice. I upped my dairy too and found I had a slight outbreak of acne but can't really place if that was down to how much I sweat in the gym i.e. blocking pores or the dairy products. Someone looked at my profile and said to me that my dairy was too high so i swapped this out for chicken and turkey.

    Like Hanny says protein will keep you fuller for longer and in the long run is better for you too and can be eaten hot or cold and used as a base food product in many meals and snacks to supplement your salads.
  • stilettofury
    stilettofury Posts: 6 Member
    No, not a troll, Jo. Just someone who's never really bothered to eat healthy before, and is trying to improve herself. Everyone else, thanks so much for the advice...I'll definitely be looking into other alternatives for my caffeine fix and bulking up on more protein. I appreciate all yall's patience and help :)
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Kick the redbull habit ASAP. I lost 10 pounds when I cut out regular soda. If you have to have the caffeine fix go for tea or coffee. I would normally say diet soda but with the level of redbull you're drinking, I would be concerned that you would overdrink the diet sodas as well (they have a lot of sodium not to mention chemicals.)

    Once you switch to tea or coffee use a low cal sweetener like stevia or truvia that way you're still not wasting calories on your drinks and you can start eating those calories in the form of food which is way more filling.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    I drink heaps of V, so I know where you are coming from with the Red Bull. I cut down to 2 small cans a day and only drink the sugar free variety. Think the sugar free Red bull is only 10 calories a can? And then you can spend the rest of your calories eating good, nutritious food. So you'll feel less hungry and probably have more energy from the good food!

    edited to add, just looked at your diary, and my gosh you do have a bad red bull habit. I'd defintely try to cut back to 2 a day and swap to sugarfree. You are really not providing your body with much nutrition at all. I agree you need protein as others have said but also fruit and veges as there really isn't much of that in your diet. The reason you are getting hungry after the salads is because its all lettuce practically. I'd be slicing up all sorts of vegies and stuff in there, maybe even a little low fat cheese and maybe toast some almonds or something, or even a bit of chicken breast in there. It needs to be a much more complete meal.
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    When I need a fix of energy - I will drink 1/2 can of a Rockstar zero carb which has, I think, 10 cals per 8 oz.. I consider it a 'treat" and only do it once or twice a week. Some filling things I keep with me are always peanuts, almonds or cashews - I weigh out 1/2 servings and keep them in baggies so they're pre-measured. Another is Cascadia Farms cinnamon crunch cereal - 1 cup is only 150 calories. Celery is a good one if you have somewhere cold to keep it on hand. Another is Fiber One brownies or bars for only 90 calories. For protein bars, I'll buy them but cut them in half or quarters and wrap them up - protein bars take up too many calories for me, but if I have a bite when I'm hungry, it gives me what I need. Finally, if I need a chocolate fix, I keep 10 plain M&M's with me. I always precount/measure so I don't go over.
  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 82 Member
    You would be very surprised to see what you can loose by just cutting out the calorie drinks. My philosophy is that I would rather eat my calories. Diet Dr. Pepper is the closest to the "real" one. You can also get Coke Zero now that has splenda in it so the sweetness is there. I use boiled eggs or 3oz cans of tuna for extra protein they are easy and 70 and 80 calories respectively. Also what do you have in your salads? Are they mainly lettuce? If so you should try adding other fresh veggies that have more fiber in them like broccoli and cauliflour. I eat tons of fruit and veggies a day and slip in some protein, not much bread, rice or potatoes. All my days aren't perfect but mostly not hungry. I agree as well that you may need to adjust your calorie intake up a little
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    I looked at your diary. PLEASE cut out some of the soda and red bull. I'm normally not so concerned about this but you're having one almost every meal (sometimes 2).

    I promise you that if you cut out all of the soda and replace those calories with protein, carbs and fat you'll feel MUCH better during the day. Try and wean yourself off of them.

    protein protein protein

    GREAT ADVICE....and she's right! Use your calories for food...not drinks! Limit those pops and Red Bull and try to get rid of them all together. Good Luck!

    Protein ....Protein....Protein ...

    I am also at a 1200 calorie and day intake and I fill up with cottage cheese, eggs, low calorie bread like Sara Lee or Village Hearth light. Those sandwiches really help me get through the day.
  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 82 Member
    Oh and add a multi-vitamin
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm never hungry on 1200 NET.

    Eat clean.

    Check out Everyday Food for recipe ideas and easy logging (nutrition info listed)
  • Thedreamer1985
    Thedreamer1985 Posts: 18 Member
    someone told me just drink *tons* of water in between because sometimes we are really thirsty compared to hungry... go for veggies like carrots - for one half baggie fills me up its only 35 calories - no dip, i am more of a fruit eater - so i have grapes apples (only 52 calories in the apple cut up)

    when i wasnt tracking my drinks - made a HUGE difference i stopped drinking starbucks lattees, i stopped drinking tea that had 200 calories in a can... i only tracked my food... maybe cut out all the calories drinks - coffee has like 2.5 calories in a 8 oz cup i think...

    good luck