Any other P90X/Beachbody ladies out there?



  • disneydiva21
    im doing a turbojam / hip hop abs hybrid
  • jailee813
    jailee813 Posts: 29
    I've completed P90X and moved onto Insanity. I have to say, Insanity is something that I've become completely addicted to. At the end of week 7 I tweeked my back pretty bad (combination of working out too often, and a REALLY TERRIBLE mattress that I get to sleep on while deployed) so I had to take a week off and just stick to the elliptical and low impact activites. During that week I was soooo upset that I was missing my insanity work outs! On Monday I'm starting back up and finishing up week 8, but I've already ordered the DVDs and they are waiting for me when I return home so I can keep up this phenominal work out even after this deployment! During my first 8 weeks, I will have losts about 12 lbs and gained a whole new appreciated for high intensity cardio. Also, I've shaved almost 2 minutes off my mile and a half run time without even running! Plyo and aerobics were all I needed to decrease my run time and now for my military PT test, I'm scoring almost a 96 out of 100 points... only 4 months ago I was at a 86! Instanity work outs are amazing!
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I bought P90X today after standing in the store forever trying to decide which to start with. I figure it doesnt really matter which one I do first. Starting tomorrow morning. Would love some advice and some friends that have done this as this is the first program I will be doing. I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I completed 2 rounds of P90x and also did 30 days of Brazil Butt Lift. I am currently doing Brazil Butt Lift again and starting week 4. I am planning on doing it for 60 days.