Too much protein?

I have been tracking my food and doing well with calorie intake, and carbs and not going over. I cut it close with fats and most always go over by about 5g or so of protein. I hate to see that negative! I do workout everyday, and choose good fats and proteins I think. Today I had a salad with fresh green leaves and veggies galore and chopped up organic vegetarian chicken and it had a lot of protein in it. Its only like 2:00pm and I have no protein left! I havent even had dinner! What are the consequences of having more protein than My Fitness Pal allows or says I should limit myself to? Whenever I exercise it only ups my calorie allowance and nothing else. Im just curious and new to everything. I've never paid much attention to protein intake because I used to have a hard time getting enough, now too much? Insight and education please! :)


  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    When you exercise it ups all of your macros along with your calories, and as far as too much protein, if you are working out you should be consuming your lean body mass in grams of protein each day..... for example, my lean mass is 110lbs, so I aim for 110 gms of protein a day.

    If everything else is spot on, do not worry about a RED protein count...MFP's level of protein is way too low as default anyway. you can adjust those macros though by going to goals, custom and putting them at the percent you wish, 40,30,30 Carbs, proteins and fats is a good start.
  • Thanks for the information. I am new to exercise and diet and how everything affects each other. I am jogging about a half mile and speed walking about a mile on a daily basis with an occasional break on the weekend. Since I don't know much about everything I rely heavily on the website, but since there is a community I will turn to everyone else for more info! I just want to learn as much as I can so I can do the right thing for my body. Thanks again!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    you are welcome and welcome to MFP ! :happy: