PCOS - Have you ever said "I would never get that big!"?



  • fcbryant75
    fcbryant75 Posts: 17 Member
    I almost started crying. It is incredible. I felt so alone because no one knows what we go through to lose weight. It is not a crutch, it actually is just incredibly difficult to lose weight. I just want to thank you all for the replies.

    And for someone who asked, I am on metformin. Even with the god awful first week of symptoms, I haven't lost a thing. :( Waiting on a BC prescription.

    Thank you again for sharing the love and information, it is possible! :)

    You are definitely not alone! *hugs*

    For me, the combination of metformin and birth control pills was awful. It gave me awful mood swings and made me act like a totally crazy person all month long (not just TOM). I stopped taking the bc and felt like myself again, and after a few months the metformin regulated my periods fine without it and changing my diet did so even more. Just a heads up that if you notice changes in your mood, the combo might be culprit.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    My diet is restrictive only because sugar spikes my insulin to high and then I crash. I went down to >20 carbs about 5 days ago "just to see" and I feel great!

    Im very nervious about eating fruit for that reason currently. Some people are fine with sugar/carbs and some people just pack on the pounds . I eat a yogurt with 19g of carbs in it and im fuzzy/dizzy all day long and its just NOT fun :( Dont get me started on teh mood swings lol!
    I think the best way is to figure out how your own body reacts and go from there. Some peoples bodies cant handle gluten etc, its a trial by error imo!

    I think the most important thing to remember is that PCOS effects everyone differently and what works for you may not work for me and so forth. 3 months ago I felt alone and very depressed because now i have this "thing" i dont understand and no one understands.. well now i feel like I have control over this demon and a couple more people who understand me ;)!
  • Matrika52
    on yes, i have - and i'm LONG past that point.

    Hopefully, it is NOT a point of no return.

    i have over 200 freaking lbs to lose - not a typo!

    j/L "Granny" Matrika (Matrika52)
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    I have pcos. diagnosed in about 1998. I discovered the Atkins diet soon after and lost about 30 lbs. I was struggling to conceive and ended up doing IVF but the weight loss helped regulate things and, I think, helped the IVF to work. Since then I kept the weight off for awhile but life got busy and the carbs crept up, so that I gained back about 20lbs over a few yrs. I've been doing MFP since last august and lost 12 lbs slowly then stalled completely for 6months. I do regular sport and eat about 1200 cals and nothing was shifting. I followed advice on the Site to eat more and simply gained weight, so finally realized what I knew all along, low carb is the only way for me to lose. Started very low carb a week ago and the weight has already started to shift. I've never been on metformin and only briefly on bc, I've mostly managed my hormones through diet and weight control,some times managing better than others. I think we need to be careful as low carb diets get such a bad press we can be made to feel wrong or stupid for following them, but the evidence is good and it's recommended by doctors for our con dition, so we need to trust ourselves and listen to our bodies.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Yup, I'm a PCOS sufferer too. I am taking the cinnamon/chromium capsules and they seem to be doing really good so far!

    They're AMAZING! I've never in my life before had to remind myself to eat, but now it's like I never get hungry. Just proves how much insulin resistance really affects us.

    Stupid question from foreign person: do you find these capsules in every drugstore ? No prescription ? thanks.
  • pitbulllover
    pitbulllover Posts: 98 Member
    Yup, I'm a PCOS sufferer too. I am taking the cinnamon/chromium capsules and they seem to be doing really good so far!

    They're AMAZING! I've never in my life before had to remind myself to eat, but now it's like I never get hungry. Just proves how much insulin resistance really affects us.

    Stupid question from foreign person: do you find these capsules in every drugstore ? No prescription ? thanks.

    No, I got them from my nutritionist, they have his name on the bottle and everything. I have no idea if he gets them from some supplier and just slaps a new label on it or what lol... But I can ask him if there's a way for someone to buy them without getting them through him.
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    Awww!! I am glad I saw this message board topic on the side of my screen... I feel so much better knowing all of you are going thru the same thing. I was upset when I fond out I had it, still am, but kind of relieved because now I know WHY I have had some of these issues and what to do about them....
    I almost started crying. It is incredible. I felt so alone because no one knows what we go through to lose weight. It is not a crutch, it actually is just incredibly difficult to lose weight. I just want to thank you all for the replies.

    And for someone who asked, I am on metformin. Even with the god awful first week of symptoms, I haven't lost a thing. :( Waiting on a BC prescription.

    Thank you again for sharing the love and information, it is possible! :)
  • vonnywaft
    vonnywaft Posts: 182
    I know , it's tough sometimes when your hormones are all messed up,you can't control your weight and you have fertility issues. I've been through the mill with it all. I have my daughter thanks to IVF, but we also lost 4 pregnancies along the way and spent a huge amount on failed IVF too. I'm probably close to menopause now and wondering what joys my messed up hormones have in store for me then. I'm also thinking a lot about wanting more children when I thought I'd got over that after the last miscarriage. My weight is really great at the moment but only thru a lot of hard work, it's not easy knowing I can't ever really indulge in carbs again. It's good to know there are others out there dealing with it altho I wish none of us had to go thru it.
  • Nancy_AZ60
    Nancy_AZ60 Posts: 99 Member
    My 30 year old daughter was just diagnosed with this 2 days ago. She is 130lbs over weight.. plus all the other symptoms. Now that we know she can get on a medication and try to get this under control. Her doctor is testing to see if she do metformin therapy. Am praying for a good turn around. Good luck to you :)
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Awww!! I am glad I saw this message board topic on the side of my screen... I feel so much better knowing all of you are going thru the same thing. I was upset when I fond out I had it, still am, but kind of relieved because now I know WHY I have had some of these issues and what to do about them....
    I almost started crying. It is incredible. I felt so alone because no one knows what we go through to lose weight. It is not a crutch, it actually is just incredibly difficult to lose weight. I just want to thank you all for the replies.

    And for someone who asked, I am on metformin. Even with the god awful first week of symptoms, I haven't lost a thing. :( Waiting on a BC prescription.

    Thank you again for sharing the love and information, it is possible! :)

    OMG, me too= so happy to have find that out and fell much less lonely !!!!
    However, I still have the feeling that MD dont take too seriously, as long as you dont want yey to get pregnant, the only answer is BC. At least here in the us somebody sent me to a nutrionnist.
    Too bad nobody explained too me the interest of loosing weight with PCOS when I was less heavy than now...
    But all together, we can move forward !
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Yup, I'm a PCOS sufferer too. I am taking the cinnamon/chromium capsules and they seem to be doing really good so far!

    They're AMAZING! I've never in my life before had to remind myself to eat, but now it's like I never get hungry. Just proves how much insulin resistance really affects us.

    Stupid question from foreign person: do you find these capsules in every drugstore ? No prescription ? thanks.

    No, I got them from my nutritionist, they have his name on the bottle and everything. I have no idea if he gets them from some supplier and just slaps a new label on it or what lol... But I can ask him if there's a way for someone to buy them without getting them through him.

    just saw them on the CVS website so I'm gonna check at the drugstore. Thank you anyway and have a good day.
  • Honeybaby99

    I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2003 when my TOTM became fortnightly. I have always been big so never really thought about it. As soon as I found out what the problem was I was able to focus on how to control it with the help of my GP. I eventually lost 9 stone whilst taking the then preferred medication of Metformin and Provera.

    My GP eventually took me off the medication back in 2004 when I reached my goal weight to see if I had stabilised and within 6 months I was pregnant with my little girl who arrived in 2005.

    Unfortunately, it didn't take long for 7 stone to go back on. However, I knew I could lose the weight so I knuckled down and this time with the help of WW (didn't know about this site at the time), a lot of exercise and without medication I have again succeeded in losing the excess weight and reached my goal last July and have been maintaining since.

    Losing weight is hard for anyone but with determination the weight will come off maybe a little slower than someone without PCOS but it will come off.

    I now need to learn how to balance my food nutritionally rather than in points, my reason for joining MFP!!

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    I almost started crying. It is incredible. I felt so alone because no one knows what we go through to lose weight. It is not a crutch, it actually is just incredibly difficult to lose weight. I just want to thank you all for the replies.

    And for someone who asked, I am on metformin. Even with the god awful first week of symptoms, I haven't lost a thing. :( Waiting on a BC prescription.

    Thank you again for sharing the love and information, it is possible! :)
    When you take the dose, drink a little pep-to or liquid Imodium.. this will help IMMENSELY!
  • nodrogytsirk
    I have been through this...my story is very similar. My obgyn (butcher!) told me I had cysts, spent years being tested and watched with ultrasounds, one uterine cyst was 10 pounds and I had 5 others the size of grapefruits. There were cysts on both ovaries too. Eventually she's aid everything had to come out. Had the surgery but it was a disaster, the large cyst broke and I bled out on the table, thank god there epwas another surgeon whose operation had been cancelled because he rushed in and saved my life. Thank god for blood donors! Anywaaaaay...I kept getting painful periods! So went to the obgyn who told me it was residual and would go away...hah! Many test later, we find out she left the bad ovary in place and the big ovarian cancer scare happened. I had 3 cancer diagnosis. 3! One in my local hospital, one at the MRI clinic next city over and after a complete work up at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital. I was scared! Turned out she had simply sewn me up. The ovarian tumour was pressing on the nerve running down my leg...I lived on pain killers. The obgyn at PRincess Margaret was wonderful, and I was booked in for surgery ASAP. When she opened me up she was amazed, it wasn't cancer but a different kind of tumour that can curlique it's way through your body, it had grown through my bladder so there was a lot of damage. But no cancer. She later told me she was stunned, had no explanation for it. Well my church held a 30 rotating fast for me, I think positive thoughts and prayer saved my life, but through it all I got bigger and bigger and now I feel huge! I've done weight watchers and slim fast etc, it worked but was so expensive, so my friend deco.mmended I try this iPad ap, and I am enjoying the tracking. I am active moderately, I walk my dog a lot. I want to get back in shape and look like I did before I got sick. I am hoping that this system will work! Willing to help support all others who have had ovarian problems! We can win this battle!
  • tiffeh345
    tiffeh345 Posts: 43 Member
    You are definitely not alone. I have PCOS as well. It is very hard to lose weight but it can be done. We shall all do it together!
  • mfchiumento
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 years ago and have been fighting my weight since before then. It is not impossible to lose weight, but it is a continued fight. I have been through a lot with medications and treatments, have now decided that I'm done with being angry with myself for weighing what I do, and I deserve better.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Never had PCOS - but I do have an underactive thyroid which makes it very hard to lose weight especially since I am not taking any pills (inbetween doctors).

    I never thought I would get this big (I was at 260 when I started). Last time I went to the doctor, I weighed around 243lbs which was last year.

    Only lost 5lbs so far this month which I keep telling myself is relatively healthy considering you should lose about 1lb a week. I refuse to get to 300lbs. Absolutely refuse. I'm a woman on a mission.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have been through this...my story is very similar. My obgyn (butcher!) told me I had cysts, spent years being tested and watched with ultrasounds, one uterine cyst was 10 pounds and I had 5 others the size of grapefruits. There were cysts on both ovaries too. Eventually she's aid everything had to come out. Had the surgery but it was a disaster, the large cyst broke and I bled out on the table, thank god there epwas another surgeon whose operation had been cancelled because he rushed in and saved my life. Thank god for blood donors! Anywaaaaay...I kept getting painful periods! So went to the obgyn who told me it was residual and would go away...hah! Many test later, we find out she left the bad ovary in place and the big ovarian cancer scare happened. I had 3 cancer diagnosis. 3! One in my local hospital, one at the MRI clinic next city over and after a complete work up at Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital. I was scared! Turned out she had simply sewn me up. The ovarian tumour was pressing on the nerve running down my leg...I lived on pain killers. The obgyn at PRincess Margaret was wonderful, and I was booked in for surgery ASAP. When she opened me up she was amazed, it wasn't cancer but a different kind of tumour that can curlique it's way through your body, it had grown through my bladder so there was a lot of damage. But no cancer. She later told me she was stunned, had no explanation for it. Well my church held a 30 rotating fast for me, I think positive thoughts and prayer saved my life, but through it all I got bigger and bigger and now I feel huge! I've done weight watchers and slim fast etc, it worked but was so expensive, so my friend deco.mmended I try this iPad ap, and I am enjoying the tracking. I am active moderately, I walk my dog a lot. I want to get back in shape and look like I did before I got sick. I am hoping that this system will work! Willing to help support all others who have had ovarian problems! We can win this battle!

    Wow! You have been through the ringer. Hope you get some good luck coming your way!
  • blondebella79
    I was diagnosed with PCOS and it has always been a struggle losing weight. I am now very controlled on my dosage of metformin and I try not to eat more than 30 grams of carbs at a meal and I exercise. I will say stress has a HUGE effect on this disease. I am not on bcp and my cycles are very regular. Its a difficult disease to live with at times.
  • tchr1ann
    tchr1ann Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there! I saw your post. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? I was diagnosed with PCOS back when I was 18, but no other OB/GYN has ever told me that I have it so I'm not sure if I have it or not. I'm meeting with my doctor next week and am going to ask her about it. Anyway, I was just recently told that it is possible that i have a thyroid issue (my brain is not telling my thyroid what's up so it's making too much); once you started taking your medication, did you notice a change in your weight loss? (quicker to lose weight) I worry about taking meds for thyroid-- I heard that once you start, you can't ever get off the medication. I'm currently on HBP meds and am counting the days until I can throw them out. Thanks for any info you are willing to share re: your personal experience. Thanks!
