SBF2: Reboot Boogaloo. . .June 23rd

Morning, my pebbs,

Today is supposed to be Bikram, but my knee still hurts. I'm debating right now if it's just tender (as in I can push through) or actually injured. This is often my dilemma. Since I have non-injury pain so often, it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

If I don't go to Bikram, I'll do elliptical and hit the sauna afterwards (or actually I could just sit outside, we're in the 80s, humid and sunny today. . . very hot for us.)

I decided to keep logging my food, but trying not to restrict myself or eating to a daily calorie
goal. . .just seeing if my body will tell me when it's hungry/full. We'll see how that works out. I figure if I'm telling my doctor that I can't understand why I'm not losing weight, it might be good to be able to produce some evidence on what I've been eating.

Also, I have to go to a party with my husband tonight, so I have that challenge of watching my food while nervous socially. Never easy.

Listening to my body boogaloo.

Take care.:flowerforyou:


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    V, I think you and I are alike in quite a few ways...just from your post this morning. I will take your 80* weather for today. :wink: At least 100 here. And that's how I am trying to use the calorie try to make sure I'm not eating too much but also to make sure my body is giving me signals that I am not paying attention to. I have always overeaten. All my life. We were forced to as kids and I am really having a hard time getting past that.
    I could have gone for a jog this morning but opted to do taebo again. I started to feel like going for a run about the time DH was leaving for work. :grumble: I will try to go tomorrow morning.
    tumbling class (done)
    eating healthier (I've actually thrown sweets away this week. :noway: Unheard of for me. And not easy either)
    Russian (I know a couple hundred words now. :bigsmile: Just a drop in the bucket.)
    figure out how to get rid of ants in the kitchen. (happens every summer)
    I think that's it. That, and stay motivated since the weight doesn't seem to be coming off for a few of us here. Hang in there! I'm sure I'll need you all to tell me that again soon.
    Stay encouraged today boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Opted for the elliptical. . .which seems to have loosened the knee up a bit. . .

    Oh, and apparently I've discovered the secret to monster calorie burns. Take a month off from cardio, become out of shape and then start back. 35 minutes on the elliptical. . .529 calories. Holy moly.

    Also, I'm patting myself on the back because I didn't want to go and was starting my rationalization process "you can just go tomorrow" "just eat less today" "you don't want to push your knee." and instead, drag my *kitten* off the sofa boogaloo!:wink:

    Feel 100% better now.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Not much for me today - maybe some walking. Kitty left this world at 10am.

    Until tomorrow.

    Furry Boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thinking about you today, Mary. :brokenheart: :flowerforyou:

    I managed to get a moderate run in tonight (2.5 miles) and I remembered my lunch/snacks/water bottle so I am feeling a little better than yesterday. It disappoints me that I am still so easily thwarted when it comes to good eating if my habits are thrown out of whack for some reason. I hate to rely on 'tricks' like always bringing my lunch, having healthy snacks around, etc etc to keep me from eating something stupid. I need to get better at making the right decisions more of the time when I'm on the spot, instead of being as dependent on having made the right decisions in advance. If that makes any sense. Obviously, preparation is still a good thing, but I hate that I still need it so much.

    A co-worker asked me today if I feel any different after losing weight. I had a hard time answering. A big part of it for me is really self-esteem - feeling better about myself because I work(ed) hard at something and have something to show for it. And of course I feel different - now if I go more than a couple of days without working out, I start feeling both lazy and antsy. I push myself more now. I do things that are hard. But other than that - do I have more energy? I'm not sure. I'm definitely hungrier. :wink: How am I supposed to feel?

    OK, enough late-night philosophy. Good night, pebbles!