Zumba DVD's vs Zumba Wii

I go to Zumba classes 3-4x/week and LOVE them. I've been thinking about getting either the DVD's or Zumba for Wii for those times when I can't make it to class. I'm looking for recommendations on which way to go. At class I've got most of the routines down pretty well and now am trying to concentrate on really using my muscles correctly so I am getting the max benefit.


  • Beckiet82
    Beckiet82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I had both, and I would say the Wii game is better...though I admit I love the classes I go to so much that I feel like neither of these come close to comparing!
  • 30Sharon
    30Sharon Posts: 4 Member
    I have Zumba Wii. I do not have time to go to classes. If you can motivate yourself, go with the Wii.
  • Momma_L
    Momma_L Posts: 1
    I think that both are great, but the DVD has toning which is AWESOME, and you get the fun toning sticks that come with it!!
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    I haven't done any workouts with videos, but I think the wii version at least keeps you accountable for the proper movements.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I love Zumba on the wii. It's loads of fun!
  • Manjobug
    Manjobug Posts: 28 Member
    I've never played the Zumba for the Wii, I have both Zumba games for the Kinect and I love them. I am sure the Wii would be just as good though. I like the games because they keep me motivated, the DVD's probably wouldn't keep me as motivated... :)
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
    Does the wii version include any modifications for fat old ladies?
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I haven't tried the DVD's yet, but I really like the first game for the Wii. :smile: I haven't tried the second one, yet.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,539 Member
    Hi! I had both, and I would say the Wii game is better...though I admit I love the classes I go to so much that I feel like neither of these come close to comparing!

    This hands down.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I go to classes as well and nothing will compare however, I have tried both (DVD's and Wii) and I like the Wii better.
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    I have only done it on the Wii...I love it...It has a progress tracker...It keeps track of your weight, time played and calories burned. I have the Zumba 2 and it came with the belt to hold the remote and it gives you stars for doing the moves right, so its a challenge to get it to 5 stars on each dance. I am an older lady and I just do what I can...the harder dances with the jumping and really fast moves leaves me in the dust but I do the best I can and it gets my heart pumping and my body sweating so that has to be good!
  • :smile:
  • I have Zumba for the Wii as well.
  • I have only done it on the Wii...I love it...It has a progress tracker...It keeps track of your weight, time played and calories burned. I have the Zumba 2 and it came with the belt to hold the remote and it gives you stars for doing the moves right, so its a challenge to get it to 5 stars on each dance. I am an older lady and I just do what I can...the harder dances with the jumping and really fast moves leaves me in the dust but I do the best I can and it gets my heart pumping and my body sweating so that has to be good!

    bump..She is the ZUMBA QUEEN
  • I like to do both go to the classes and the zumba fitness 2 for wii they are both great and make u sweat a lot lol i know i do.
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    I have Zumba for the Kinect. It took me a while before I got the moves down, but it's totally worth it.
  • I have both and I like both a lot. I have the Zumba core for wii and it is pretty fast pace. Also for ladies who posted about being older, my mom is doing Zumba gold. I have done it a couple times and it is a really good workout!!
  • jelr
    jelr Posts: 98 Member
    also can I suggest searching on youtube and make your own zumba class playlist, it's a great idea as well......... here's an example http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/866590-fun-free-at-home-zumba-workout
  • I have just brought zumba wii core and its harder than the first two but I like all of them , like others have said I like how it keeps track of your progress
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I have just brought zumba wii core and its harder than the first two but I like all of them , like others have said I like how it keeps track of your progress

    ^This! :happy: Just got Zumba Core for the Wii and I love it so much more than the original! Better cues to the dance moves, and I'm a sucker for Bollywood music, haha.