Balancing fitness and my BF...



  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Honestly i dont have this problem w my husband bc hes a marine and eats healthy and of course a workout freak. But I did lose track of "myself" when i got married and had my daughter. it took me about a year to figure somehing out...I felt guilty taking time away from my daughter and husband to workout. But i found when i did, i started to lose all the excess weight and became happy again

    Today now that i work full time and have a husband and daughter still, i feel guilty going to the gym after work bc i dont see my hubby or daughter all day. so i give up my sleep in the morning and go then. But try getting him to go with you, my husband would go with me at night if i couldnt handle mornings and I just have to keep thinking to mysef that my daughter needs a fit, healthy mom and a good role model in eating right and working out. She knew the word gym at 1year and half ;-)

    I say talk to him an him and let him kno what you have been thinking and how he can help you reach your goals and spend time with you! But most of all...its about need to take care of you first. otherwise you'll always see him as what stopped you.