How to Do My First 5k?



  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    So, how did it go?
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    It's only 3.1 miles. You should do it!!!! If nothing else - it will be fun. :)
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Ok, so it ended up being the FOLLOWING Sunday (sorry I've been crazy busy!) and it was 5 MILES!!! Thus the name "Cinco de Miler"... minor detail, but of course this freaked me out more! I really thought i'd be huffing & puffing right in front of the sweeper-truck. I signed up for the slowest pace possible, putting me in the last corral.

    Well i did a practice run on the treadmill at the gym last Thursday, just to see if i could complete 5 miles without keeling over- and test my ability to go 20min straight like my friend suggested. I did, but i had to walk 10min & was sooo beat at the end. This confirmed my fears, including the fact i was in a gym on an easy-going treadmill. But at least i made it, and had paid my registration fee, so no need yet to admit defeat.

    When i got out there, surrounded by people of all fitness levels & remembering all the encouragement i'd been getting the last 2 weeks from you guys and a handful of friends here, i thought, "as long as u finish Bek." While waiting for our corral's turn, i chatted a bit with the girl next to me. She had a few of these under her belt but assured me that if i'm a daily cyclist-commuter, i'll totally be fine. Personally i think biking & running are totally different animals, but anyway, here goes!

    Guys it was so surprisingly easy! I knew the important thing was to pace myself, like you all have been recommending, so in spite of those passing me, i started off at an easy trot- my typical 5.2 on the treadmill. I realized i would be more productive putting my energy into a longer stride, not the trot/hop i knew from the treadmill. I kept my mind on that as i kept going, & listened to my breathing. I could hear heavy huffing & puffing all around me, & i was actually impressed that my lungs were still taking it calm & easy on me. People started stopping to walk. By the time i reached mile 2, i thought, "u know, i still really feel ok... Let's see if i can make it to 3 without feeling too bad."

    The lakefront was so beautiful & the slight breeze just perfect! I did make it to 3, followed shortly by the 5k sign. "Really?!" Then i thought, "You know, this is a race, a challenge. Wouldn't that be something if i can do the whole thing without stopping to walk!" And guess what!! I started getting excited & picked up the pace, but could feel myself wearing so i held myself back until i passed mile 4.

    I hit mile 4 & picked up the pace. I knew i could get tired during this stretch & just keep pushing myself through the finish line. Once i saw the finish line, i sprinted. I couldn't believe it, 56:41!! For me, a non-runner!!

    Honestly guys it was so much fun!!! I was so surprised!!

    Thanks again so much for all your advice, it really was invaluable to me! I kept it revolving in my mind all week, from my Thursday test run of 20min-straight to the carbs on my burger the night before. :-D

    I signed up for a 5k on 5/20. Now I know it's no biggie. (-;

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Ok, so it ended up being the FOLLOWING Sunday (sorry I've been crazy busy!) and it was 5 MILES!!! Thus the name "Cinco de Miler"... minor detail, but of course this freaked me out more! I really thought i'd be huffing & puffing right in front of the sweeper-truck. I signed up for the slowest pace possible, putting me in the last corral.

    Well i did a practice run on the treadmill at the gym last Thursday, just to see if i could complete 5 miles without keeling over- and test my ability to go 20min straight like my friend suggested. I did, but i had to walk 10min & was sooo beat at the end. This confirmed my fears, including the fact i was in a gym on an easy-going treadmill. But at least i made it, and had paid my registration fee, so no need yet to admit defeat.

    When i got out there, surrounded by people of all fitness levels & remembering all the encouragement i'd been getting the last 2 weeks from you guys and a handful of friends here, i thought, "as long as u finish Bek." While waiting for our corral's turn, i chatted a bit with the girl next to me. She had a few of these under her belt but assured me that if i'm a daily cyclist-commuter, i'll totally be fine. Personally i think biking & running are totally different animals, but anyway, here goes!

    Guys it was so surprisingly easy! I knew the important thing was to pace myself, like you all have been recommending, so in spite of those passing me, i started off at an easy trot- my typical 5.2 on the treadmill. I realized i would be more productive putting my energy into a longer stride, not the trot/hop i knew from the treadmill. I kept my mind on that as i kept going, & listened to my breathing. I could hear heavy huffing & puffing all around me, & i was actually impressed that my lungs were still taking it calm & easy on me. People started stopping to walk. By the time i reached mile 2, i thought, "u know, i still really feel ok... Let's see if i can make it to 3 without feeling too bad."

    The lakefront was so beautiful & the slight breeze just perfect! I did make it to 3, followed shortly by the 5k sign. "Really?!" Then i thought, "You know, this is a race, a challenge. Wouldn't that be something if i can do the whole thing without stopping to walk!" And guess what!! I started getting excited & picked up the pace, but could feel myself wearing so i held myself back until i passed mile 4.

    I hit mile 4 & picked up the pace. I knew i could get tired during this stretch & just keep pushing myself through the finish line. Once i saw the finish line, i sprinted. I couldn't believe it, 56:41!! For me, a non-runner!!

    Honestly guys it was so much fun!!! I was so surprised!!

    Thanks again so much for all your advice, it really was invaluable to me! I kept it revolving in my mind all week, from my Thursday test run of 20min-straight to the carbs on my burger the night before. :-D

    I signed up for a 5k on 5/20. Now I know it's no biggie. (-;

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awesome!!!!!!! And what a great time for your first race. So glad that you enjoyed it!
    Technically speaking, I think you may need to start referring to yourself as a RUNNER. If you run, then you are a runner; all the other details are irrelevant.
    And you know, if you can run 5 miles, you can most definitely do a 10K.......
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    Congratulations on your first 5 miler! That is an amazing accomplishment for someone who isn't a regular runner (nope, you're not a non-runner- welcome to the club).
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Awesome! Grats!!
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    thanks guys!!! i still feel more like a trotter... i can cycle to the ends of the earth but this is so different.

    my 5k last sunday was in 93-degree weather and i wanted to stop to walk SO many times, but i made it through that too. but wow, what a difference! i can't imagine going back to that 5-miler in those conditions. the heat and running on suburban streets instead of the lakefront parks made it not quite as enjoyable too, but i was still definitely glad i did it, and felt good after a cool shower (-:

    would i be way too presumptuous to try a half-marathon? it's through lakefront parks again on 6/10 and sounds like it'd be a beautiful setting. but that's kinda crazy, like 13+ miles or something, no? when i google it, it seems like there's supposed to be significant training involved...

    if i run a couple of miles a day or something could i make it? should i plan walking parts of it?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    my 5k last sunday was in 93-degree weather and i wanted to stop to walk SO many times, but i made it through that too. but wow, what a difference! i can't imagine going back to that 5-miler in those conditions. the heat and running on suburban streets instead of the lakefront parks made it not quite as enjoyable too, but i was still definitely glad i did it, and felt good after a cool shower (-:

    Grats again! :D
    would i be way too presumptuous to try a half-marathon? it's through lakefront parks again on 6/10 and sounds like it'd be a beautiful setting. but that's kinda crazy, like 13+ miles or something, no? when i google it, it seems like there's supposed to be significant training involved...

    if i run a couple of miles a day or something could i make it? should i plan walking parts of it?

    I'm going to suggest that you hold off on the Half Marathon till Late Fall or later, when you are more likely to have cooler temps. AND, you will have a better mileage base by then.

    How many miles a week are you currently running? How many days a week?

    Check out this Half Marathon plan for beginners:
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I would suggest you wait at least until the fall before attempting a half. Spend some time running on a regular basis, and maybe do some more 5ks and 10ks. When you do decide to attempt a half, pick a training plan and try to stick to it. Increase your milage gradually.
    On the other hand.....since you are a biker......maybe a late summer triathlon?