Overeating-can't face scale

Help! I am feeling frustrated with myself, and haven't had the strength to face the scale.

Here's what happens: I do really well for anywhere from 3-10 days; I see results, my weight is going down, my mood is good, and I feel positive. Then- something happens to put me in a funk, sometimes it's hormonal, sometimes it's overeating at one meal that does it; could be any number of things. Then I'm on a downhill slide. I start overeating late in the day, stop going to the gym, and lose all the ground I've gained (lost). It takes me several days, sometimes a week, to get back on track.
I feel so mad at myself, and I really do want to lose the weight. Mostly this is a confession...don't expect anyone to know what to do?


  • rhondababy
    Help! I am feeling frustrated with myself, and haven't had the strength to face the scale.

    Here's what happens: I do really well for anywhere from 3-10 days; I see results, my weight is going down, my mood is good, and I feel positive. Then- something happens to put me in a funk, sometimes it's hormonal, sometimes it's overeating at one meal that does it; could be any number of things. Then I'm on a downhill slide. I start overeating late in the day, stop going to the gym, and lose all the ground I've gained (lost). It takes me several days, sometimes a week, to get back on track.
    I feel so mad at myself, and I really do want to lose the weight. Mostly this is a confession...don't expect anyone to know what to do?
  • superduperbandnerd
    Help! I am feeling frustrated with myself, and haven't had the strength to face the scale.

    Here's what happens: I do really well for anywhere from 3-10 days; I see results, my weight is going down, my mood is good, and I feel positive. Then- something happens to put me in a funk, sometimes it's hormonal, sometimes it's overeating at one meal that does it; could be any number of things. Then I'm on a downhill slide. I start overeating late in the day, stop going to the gym, and lose all the ground I've gained (lost). It takes me several days, sometimes a week, to get back on track.
    I feel so mad at myself, and I really do want to lose the weight. Mostly this is a confession...don't expect anyone to know what to do?
  • superduperbandnerd
    It all comes down to will power
  • His_Kelly
    I used to be the same way. Focus on the big picture of things. Think of a big event coming up in your life, or of a time when you will see someone you haven't seen in a long time. Then, think of how good you want to look for that event.

    If you overeat at one meal, just get right back on track. Don't beat yourself up for it. It is not the end of thie world. Everyone makes mistakes and falls every once in a while. The trick is getting back up.

    Also- every time you think something negative about yourself, force yourself to think of something positive. Whether that is being a good friend, your pretty eyes, etc. Try to think positive and know that slow and steady wins the race. Persevere, and you WILL lose the weight. Keep your eye on the prize!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Yea, it really is about will power and self discipline. It feels good to relax, indulge in delicious and unhealthy foods, and sit on your butt. It's supposed to feel good because it can save you in a time of famine. Unfortunately, we're not seeing any of those any time soon, so it's up to you to reject those instinctual habits and just be stern with yourself. You can treat yourself to something yummy regularly, but you need to be in control of your trips to the gym and the moderation you practice with those foods.
  • rhondababy
    Thanks for the reality check. I think I go back and forth from one extreme to another, which probably contributes to it all.

  • markfloyd
    Whatever happens do two things: First, get your self back on track as quickly as possibly. Secondly, you may have hit the nail on the head when you said it's Hormonal. Get it checked for starters and see what's going on. Many people, whether male or female, disregard imbalanced estrogen or testosterone. It can cause problems by upsetting the natural rythym of your body. There are natural herbs on the market that may help balance these hormones. Do some research and get yourself some of those products and see what happens!! You owe it to yourself to be the very best that you can be!!
  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    I have heard that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. If you are only doing the dieting/exercising thing for 3-10 days, you are not allowing yourself the time to make it part of your life. One thing I always ran into in the past is I would go full out on dieting and exercising and fail at it because I went in too strong and I couldn't handle it. When I started this time, I started slowly and eased into eating better and exercising and I am now more than a month into it and it has become my life instead of a "diet".

    Yesterday I had a net calorie of about 1550 and usually I am at 1100 but my husband's family had a get together and I had some chips and a beer and a piece of cake. I am not going to allow one day to ruin what I have been working at for over a month.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    My friend has joined overeaters anonymous. They have online meetings and she says it's helped her tremendously!! If you'd like info just send me a message I'll get it from her.

  • Valhead
    I am struggling with the same issue. I know that when I am eating the way I am supposed to and exercising I fell sooo much better, but I have noticed that I tend to deal with stress by eating.
    Some things I am finding that help
    1. KEEP TRYING Do not allow a bad day or a meal to stop you. Get up and try again! And again and again and again. I am a beginner myself and I am having to tell myself every day not to quit.
    2. PLAN I have noticed that when I plan my meals/snacks in advance and I am more aware of social engagements I am more likely to follow my eating plan and feel more satisfied. I am also more able to make time for exercise.
    3. DON'T PROCRASTINATE If I don't do my exercise right away during the time I alloted...it doesn't happen. I have to do it at the same time every day (or the planned time every day) and not allow myself to put it off until after this or that
    4. FIND OTHER OUTLETS FOR STRESS I am trying to come up with ways to deal with my stress and emotional upset besides going for the easy food. I find that just being aware of the fact that I am stressed or upset and that is WHY I want to eat is actually helping.
    5. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY I have read a lot of discussion on whether to eat or not to eat the extra calories The best thing I have found is that if I am eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, I tend to feel more satisfied and not actually hungry until the next meal/snack time and I am able to stay within my original calorie range (or fairly close). If I am feeling more hungry that day, I may add a little to my snack or some extra veggies to my meal, but I generally do not use up all the calories I am alloted if I am eating just for hunger. I am more likely to use up all my calories and then some if I am eating for emotional reasons. So be aware of yourself. and ask yourself if you are really hungry or if it is something else.
    DON'T GIVE UP! YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT! :flowerforyou: I hope this helps you. I have been struggling lately too and it helped me just to write it.! Thanks!
  • rhondababy
    Thanks Valhead!
    It DOES help to hear that others are struggling with the same issues.

    Have a great week!
  • Lifeisgood2008
    Lifeisgood2008 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi I am inquiring about the Overeaters Anonymous online help that you mentioned.. I would be interested in learning more.