my goal weight seems high



  • Julielynn83
    Julielynn83 Posts: 162 Member
    Keep 200 as your goal weight and then when you reach it maybe you will be motivated to lose more!!! Find out what is you healthy range and try to stay close to that!!! Good luck! 199 is my first Goal then I 175! When I reach that I am going see where I want to go from there!!!
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    ok so i am 5'7'' and my goal weight is 200. but in 2010 i weighed 234lbs and felt like 200lbs was right for me. i still feel like i would love to be 200lbs, but while im seeing everyone else GW way under that.. i dont know if i just dont have enough faith in my self or what... my CW is 285 and i still feel like 200 is my GW.. the last time i remember feeling decent about myself was when i was at 200. maybe after i reach that goal i will see where i wanna go..

    Aim for 200 and then reevaluate when you get there, see if you're happy or if you'd like to keep going. Also, keep in mind body composition. I'm 5'9" and my goal is 180, which I get told is too high, but I'm really muscular (lean body mass of ~140 pounds) and anything below 180 would mean sacrificing muscle mass or getting down to a body fat % that's not particularly healthy for most women.