1000+ cals left and just not hungry?

I have eaten about 260 cals today. I know, it sounds like nothing, but I'm honestly not hungry. I've worked out, and I ate three meals. On the smaller side yes but they were all healthy and I was full.

I'm not sure what to do. Isn't it bad to eat when you're not hungry? My diary is open, thoughts welcome...thanks.


  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Basically you ate about 1/8 of cup of cereal, an apple, a couple of bites of broccoli and a baked yam. That is not enough to sustain your body. Try eating some almonds, peanut butter, avocado - dense healthy calories. You have to fuel to body and the amount of food you ate today can't do that. Really, you need more calories and you need to eat back at least some of your exercise calories. You shouldn't net less than 1200!
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    How can you eat 3 meals with only 260 cals?
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    When I was in my preteens, I'd starve myself for a few days at a time. When i was 15, I had anorexia and weighed my all time low of 82 pounds. Through support and recovery, I gained some weight but felt horrible about it I didn't know how to be healthy. Now I'm in college, struggling to fit grades, sleep, social life, a relationship, pets, happiness, creativity, music, and fitness all into my days. I need to teach myself how to be healthy without starving.

    From your profile... and THIS is your idea of being healthy without starving ? You are apparently still anorexic, and I would suggest professional help.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    I have eaten about 260 cals today. I know, it sounds like nothing, but I'm honestly not hungry. I've worked out, and I ate three meals. On the smaller side yes but they were all healthy and I was full.

    I'm not sure what to do. Isn't it bad to eat when you're not hungry? My diary is open, thoughts welcome...thanks.

    Okay I scanned a few days of your diary. If you keep this up, you will damage your body beyond repair! With out protein, your muscles will atrophy, including your heart muscle. Without carbs, your brain can't work. You will lose bone mass and eventually your body will feed upon itself. Ever seen pictures of people from concentration camps? They are not attractive.

    If you really have such a small appetite, you need to seek medical help.
  • SkyMusic
    SkyMusic Posts: 43
    I'm not anorexic! An anorexic person wants to lose a bunch of weight and hates themself, I remember what it's like and I'm there now. I am on MFP to remember to eat, because when I'm busy and stressed I forget, and to healthy when I do.

    I came here asking for advice of whether it's healthy to eat when one is not hungry or not. I did not come here to be judged and called names.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    In your case, YES! It would! be healthy to eat when you are not hungry.
  • ashley67203
    Loss of appetite can be a symptom of several severe health problems. You need to get checked out by a doctor. What you're describing is unnatural in a healthy person.
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    SkyMusic, you don't know me, and I don't know you, other than what I've read in your diary. I'm an old guy, 63 years old, with four grown children and four grandchildren, whom I love dearly. I would be very concerned about any one of my loved ones if they were eating as little as you are. Please get some professional help. You will do permanent damage to yourself if you keep this up.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    EAT! 260 calories is barely even a meal let alone a whole days worth of food. And seek some professional help sweetie, clearly you're still not taking care of yourself. I'm glad you're taking some steps by being here, but sounds like you could use some more help.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    No,it isn't bad to eat when you are not hungry.

    If you are eating very little for a while you don't get hungry, to avoid driving yourself insane. On a low carb diet it is similar, I simply don't get hungry.

    So you need to make food a routine and eat at the appropriate times each day.

    You don't wait to smell before you shower, so don't wait to be hungry before you eat !
  • sarahetwin83
    SkyMusic, you don't know me, and I don't know you, other than what I've read in your diary. I'm an old guy, 63 years old, with four grown children and four grandchildren, whom I love dearly. I would be very concerned about any one of my loved ones if they were eating as little as you are. Please get some professional help. You will do permanent damage to yourself if you keep this up.

    what a lovely post - I hope you take this advice and look after yourself.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You could consider using something like Slim Fast shakes or meal replacement bars. I know you aren't trying to lose weight but I suggest them because they have a decent amount of protein in and contain lots of other minerals and vitamins that you may be going short of.

    Are you a vegetarian? your protein intake is too low and you need to get some meat or fish or some other protein in there.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    If you were say exercising and earned a bunch of exercise calories at the end of the day and didn't want to consume 600 calories before bed, I'd say, okay, but the fact is you aren't even reaching 1000 on most days. I only went back a week, so maybe you did better before, I don't know (I know for me personally, mine has been low because I've been sick and have a low appetite, but it's not typical of me). That mixed with the fact your profile says you were anorexic just makes me think that there's still a problem. You seem to be denying it, but the evidence is there... you're not eating nearly enough and on some days you don't even eat at all (unless you didn't log those days, in which case you should put a note in the diary, so that you remember that you ate and so when people look at it they know you just didn't log that day). Whether or not you still have anorexia, is not something I would diagnose... that requires a professional, but looking at your diary, I see that you do have a problem still. I know that when it reaches dinner time and I'm really low for the day, I will eat some pasta, that gives me a bunch of calories right there. Instead of eating 1/4 cup of cereal, eat the whole serving, the same with any other foods you are eating. Please, please, eat more, and if you find that you can't for whatever reason, please seek professional help.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    Maybe you could try a calorie goal for each meal, and try hitting that rather than looking at the day as a whole which might seem a bit overwhelming.

    If it is the volume of food you are struggling with, things like nuts, peanut butter & seeds could help you up your calories. you only need to have a small amount to make a difference. Maybe try having a portion with every meal or as a snack.

    Congratulations on how far you have come, it must have been very hard. i'm sure you realise you need to be eating more, and i wish you all the best in achieving it. feel free to add me.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I have eaten about 260 cals today. I know, it sounds like nothing, but I'm honestly not hungry. I've worked out, and I ate three meals. On the smaller side yes but they were all healthy and I was full.

    I'm not sure what to do. Isn't it bad to eat when you're not hungry? My diary is open, thoughts welcome...thanks.

    You ate three meals, and totaled 260 cals?

    Come on. If you're not serious about it, how can you expect us to be?
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    My goal is below my BMR; so I make sure I almost always eat as close to my goal as I can get without going over.

    I think you should do the same thing, especially considering your past. Perhaps you don't think you are anorexic any more, but it appears your body and brain have some left over issues that you need to be on the look out for and override (such as, it telling you it doesn't need more than 260 calories a day to be satisfied). Make sure you are filling up with healthy stuff though and not calories dense prepackaged crap either.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    I have eaten about 260 cals today. I know, it sounds like nothing, but I'm honestly not hungry. I've worked out, and I ate three meals. On the smaller side yes but they were all healthy and I was full.

    I'm not sure what to do. Isn't it bad to eat when you're not hungry? My diary is open, thoughts welcome...thanks.

    You ate three meals, and totaled 260 cals?

    Come on. If you're not serious about it, how can you expect us to be?

  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    OK, I see that you had trouble with anorexia in the past. This may be one reason you are "not feeling hungry"?
    If you have trouble eating more food, then I would suggest eating thing that are calorie/ nutrient packed.

    Try eating nuts or peanut butter;
    Whole organic milk products like greek yogurt, cottage cheese and of course-milk;
    Beef jerkey and other lean meats are good choices too;
    Fruits like grapes, bananas, blueberries, strawberries are all good too

    You can also try eating small portions more frequently.

    What ever you do, you don't want to slip back in to old habits. Keep going in the right direction, and make sure you are aiming for a healthy weight for your body type/height/age.
  • viser_haut
    viser_haut Posts: 97 Member
    To simply answer your question... it's not bad to eat when you're not hungry.

    I eat all the time even if I'm still full, because I know that if I eat to my goal despite feeling absolutely stuffed, I'm damaging my body less than if I just decided to eat 200 calories. If you start eating the right amount of calories now, it will become a habit, and in a couple of weeks you'll NEED to eat the right amount or you'll feel hungry. Try eating at least 1,200 NET for the next week or so and stay away from the scale. You'll feel more energised and you won't regret it.
    I understand you must have been undereating for a while, but if you start healthy eating habits now, in the long run it'll be better for you. I eat when I'm not hungry (1600 calories NET a day) and lose at least 1lb a week - and I'm not heavy.
    If you really can't fill your diary with tonnes of food, find calorie dense food like nuts or avocado which you enjoy, and try to be careful. Sorry you feel that people have been calling you names, your fellow MFPs are just concerned about you! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Are you trying to kill yourself? This is not a 3rd world country where you are forced to eat barely anything to just survive. It looks like you have your priorities out of whack. Your body needs fuel. Did you ever try driving your car 500 miles on a gallon of gas? That is what you are doing to your body. What do you think is going to happen if you keep it up. You will run out of fuel. Your body will start shutting down. STOP IT. Start eating like a normal person. It is not funny. You are not hungry because you are damaging your body and it thinks you are starving. It is adapting to your poor choices. Yes, I said it, POOR choices. What you are doing is just DUMB. Look at some other people's diaries. You need to eat a minumum amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber to fuel your body and keep it working for you. Your body is the most precious machine you will ever operate. Treat it with respect and give it what it needs to keep running.