Green Tea pills... Any thoughts?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I take them. I am also making Sun Tea with green tea and really enjoying it!

    With the nice weather, I have just started making green sun tea, too! I don't take the pills, just drink a few cups of green and/or white tea. It makes it easier to get my water in - it's hard for me to drink plain water. It would take a lot of liquid tea to get the amount you get in those concentrated pills. I'm sure you would see benefits faster than I would just drinking it. I recently read that green tea is great for fighting inflammation in the body. Enjoy! :drinker:
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    Which brands just make the green tea pills? the only pills I know of are the Mega T Green Tea pills from Walmart.
    Yeah, I grabbed a box of that and the "active" ingredient is actually Chromium, which I'm not so wild about. I did try them this past week and I noticed that for once I wasn't freezing cold at work. Usually, I run around with my jacket on all day long. This week, I was actually sweating at times, but never jittery. IF there are supplements out there that are ONLY green tea, I'd love to try one to see if it has the same effect. I hate being cold.

    Those pills have a lot of extra junk in them.

    Why not just drink the tea? Make some the night before or something and get a nalgene bottle, fill her her to the top, dash of lemon juice, and boom. Tea all day long.
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    As for the claim to reduce water weight. That is just a ploy to get people hooked on the product because they see initial success. Its not wonder drug and there is no substitute for hard work. Your body needs that water for its functions. Building and repairing muscle being on of them.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I took them daily when I first started dieting and exercising over the holidays. They are great for energy and workout stamina. I just take them now when I'm feeling tired and need a boost. Maybe once a week I'll take one and when I do, I can push through my workouts like nobody's business! If I don't take them with food I get nauseous, though. Be sure to take them with a meal and a glass of water! Good luck!

    No bad side effects? I don't have any side effects unless (like you said) I don't eat with them, and even then I just feel a little shaky. I am just worried that I am training my body to want something it shouldn't...??

    Nope, no side effects and I have the same kind that you have. It wasn't hard at all for me to stop taking them either. I just got sick of remembering to take them twice a day and got lazy with them. I think you're fine, but if you feel like you are doing something you aren't comfortable with, don't do it! :)
  • pornstarzombie
    I get sick to my stomach if I take the Mega T Green Tea pills then don't eat. I will end up throwing up. I used to live off those pills, but I haven't used them in about 11 months. I get the same effect of "water loss" by drinking until I feel like I'm going to float away.
  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    I took them daily when I first started dieting and exercising over the holidays. They are great for energy and workout stamina. I just take them now when I'm feeling tired and need a boost. Maybe once a week I'll take one and when I do, I can push through my workouts like nobody's business! If I don't take them with food I get nauseous, though. Be sure to take them with a meal and a glass of water! Good luck!

    No bad side effects? I don't have any side effects unless (like you said) I don't eat with them, and even then I just feel a little shaky. I am just worried that I am training my body to want something it shouldn't...??

    Nope, no side effects and I have the same kind that you have. It wasn't hard at all for me to stop taking them either. I just got sick of remembering to take them twice a day and got lazy with them. I think you're fine, but if you feel like you are doing something you aren't comfortable with, don't do it! :)

    What had me worried is that I really do feel GREAT! lmao I could be a spokesperson! lol I can not take vitamins (they make me physically ill) so I was trying to get an extra boost going into my system, I know it doesn't replace a multi-vitamin, but it's the best I can do right now :)
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I think I'm going to be more consistent with drinking green tea for 30 days and see how it goes. Let us know your results after some time.