weigh ins - how often??

Hi guys just wondered how often people weigh in and whats the best way to do it?


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hi guys just wondered how often people weigh in and whats the best way to do it?

    The best way is the way that works for you. I weigh in daily, but log officially on here once a week.

    My daily weigh-ins are for me. I like to see the fluctuations and have that control, and that helps me. I only weigh in weekly, officially, because I don't want to fill news feeds with my daily ups and downs.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    In the morning after bathroom run & before I drink my coffee. For me I like doing it every day and use it as a guide. It's interesting how our wgt fluctuates.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    My weigh in day is Monday but i sometimes have a quick peek on Friday :)

    As soon as you wake up and after using the bathroom is the best way :)
  • leez1984
    leez1984 Posts: 22
    I weigh daily, but thats because my menstrual cycle is shot and the only way I know I'm due on is a sudden weight gain (5lbs in 3 days prior to TOM this time around). If I weighed in once weekly, I'd feel discouraged to see the scale climbing (for example, if I weighed in on Fridays only, I'd be up 2lbs since last Friday), and with the water weight coming and going pretty quickly, I wouldn't be sure on what was legitimate weight gain and what was just water...
  • beckyg101
    beckyg101 Posts: 30

    I used to weigh myself everyday but found it wasn't giving me a true scale. So I stopped and now weigh myself on a Sat. Morning before food.

    Although sometimes I do mid week in the evening, but when I compare I look at the last time I did an evening weigh in.

    Remember to not focus on weight but also inches as weight can be done to alot of things, it doesn't account in turning the fat into muscle.

    Keep going! Keep smiling!

  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    I weigh in every morning-before anything.It keeps me focused and I feel more in control.This works for me,it may not for someone else.It is whatever you are comfortable with.There was a time I stopped and I stopped logging in my food (during a bout of depression over being a diabetic) and when I finally did -I was floored.
    Hang in there .
  • Hello!
    I weigh in every morning when I wake up. That way I can keep track of my progress and see if the food I have eaten the previous day suit my diet or if I ate more or less than I shold have. Also, it keeps me motivated to work harder when the scale is not so good to me. :wink:
  • tarheelteacher
    tarheelteacher Posts: 23 Member
    Monday mornings....it helps me eat better over the weekend
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I was once obsessed with the scale so much that it started contributing to my under eating problems. Now I only weigh myself once a week. I still struggle with under eating, but I don't feel like the scale is the reason anymore. I might even start doing it once a month. I keep a journal once a month of my progress too. Measurements are always taken on the 1st.
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh in first thing, in my exercise clothes, just before doing 30DS, so 3 or 4 times a week.
    Because I only allow myself to weigh in in my 30DS clothes, if I want to check my weight, I must do my exercise!
    Probably a bit silly, but does give me the little extra motivation to get up and exercise!
    I only log and weight change once per week though.
  • I weigh myself once weekly, every Friday as soon as I wake up and take care of nature's call; according to Dr. Oz, its the best time to weigh yourself. ONCE WEEKLY, SAME DAY, AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP (reguardless of employment schedule).
  • thundervanhunt
    thundervanhunt Posts: 2 Member
    Great question. I'm done losing and am now focused on maintenance. This is where I struggled before, and gained the weight back, sometimes sooner, sometimes later but never kept it off permanently. So now, I weigh in every morning. In the past when I stopped weighing myself daily, it was far too easy for let poor eating habits sneak back in: I had all the excuses in the book! It is so much easier to weigh daily, then if there is a significant increase, say 2 pounds, I can take care of it in one day and not feel discouraged or overwhelmed. For me, the daily feedback (weigh-in) is a requirement. I don't view it as negative, in fact, it's my "good morning" to myself and my gentle reminder that I'm going to eat well . . . today, Good luck to you.
  • phil4v7
    phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm a geek who weighs twice a day and tracks it all on a spreadsheet. The pamphlet that came with my scale claimed the weight would be most accurate in the morning, while the body fat / muscle %s would be most accurate in the evening before dinner. As someone else in the thread mentioned, I only update MFP once a week to avoid the news feed spam. For some people, seeing all of the ups and downs discourages them, but it helps me stay the course. I've become more a lot more in tune with my body and most weigh-ins, I can guess within half a pound or so what I'm going to see on the scale. Like I said... geek.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I weigh myself daily in the morning.

    1. With clothes
    2. Sans clothes
    3. After bathroom sans clothes.

    Why yes, yes I do have OCD. Why do you ask?

    It just helps me keep accountable. I know it fluctuates, but I also know how my body flucuates and it is good and is not.
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    I think it is best to do it weekly as your body changes with so many things you don't want to do it too often as it might discourage you. I will be weighing in every 10 days as my insanity program is a 60 day and i want to take pics and weigh in every 10 days to see nice suttle changes :) But that is just me.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    I weigh in on Monday mornings. Weekends are the toughest for me food wise since I'm not at work and at work I don't have the outside influences of my friends. I did go out last night and had 2 beers and I did peek at the scale this morning and was up 1 but hopefully it was just the alcohol talking.
  • I weigh-in & log every week!! Seems to work for me!!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I weigh daily in the morning. I don't always like what it says (LOL) but I am determined not to put weight back on. Yes, weight fluctuates a couple pounds through the week sometimes but I"m remaining vigilant that there is no upward trend. This is the most successful I've been, with keeping the weight off over 2 years now. I'm a part of the National Weight Loss Registry and the statistics in that study show that daily weighing is a good tool in weight loss maintenance. So, though I sometimes want to kick the scale, I get on it every day! LOL.
  • chrren
    chrren Posts: 71 Member
    I very rarely weigh in, maybe once a month. I don't like to rely on the weight, because I feel it doesn't tell me the truth. I might lose 5cm around my waist, but gain 2kgs. That's why I stick to tape measure and body fat % :)
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    Weigh-in Fridays because it gives me focus at the weekends but also allows me to relax a little bit without failing to see any progress on Mondays! I often have a sneaky peak but only log officially on a Friday. Do it first thing before eating or drinking anything. This week I was frustrated as my sneaky peak on Thursday indicated I may have lost 2lbs but Friday was just 1! GRRR!