Night shift workers..

I work 7pm to 7am and trying to keep healthy eating habits is a challenge especially when the only thing open at midnight is the vending machines and Waffle House. Anybody have any tips or ideas for people that work at night? Do you eat breakfast or dinner when you get home in the morning?


  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    Is there a reason you can't bring a meal? You could also keep some meal replacement bars on hand. I ate those a lot of the time while I was working nights. I would go home and go straight to bed, so neither breakfast nor dinner for me.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have access to lots of fast food places where I work and all are open 24 hrs. I would pack my lunch and leave my wallet at home to avoid temptation when I started. I graze on my food throughout the night while at work instead of eating it in all 1 sitting. As for my home meal I don't label it anything.
  • I am in a similar situation (4pm - 2am).... the only way i have found to succeed is to pack a lunch.
    I bought one of the largest coleman lunch boxes they had. I bring my dinner and an assortment of fruits and veggies to snack on. If I don't bring my own food then I will exceed all diary goals.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I have to work nights 5 times a month. I always plan my meals and bring them with me. Otherwise I would just pig out on chocolate and junk food to try stay awake.

    Oh and stay away from any sort of Energy drink. Those things are lethal. Drink lots of water instead.
  • bella7966
    bella7966 Posts: 49
    I work permenant nights three shifts a week. I bring a pack up with me and leave money at home so i cannot go crazy at the vendingmachines. Its hard work but managing so far. I have reduced the amount of coke i drink as well. when i come home i sleep and tend to eat my calories starting when i wake up. This gives me some calories to eat in the night. I make sure my psck up is healthy as well x
  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 176 Member
    I work nights and im a single mom. I just basically flipped my whole eating habits around to suit my family life...when I wake up I do dinner (my biggest meal) I bring about 3-4 smaller meals and snacks to work with me. I DO NOT eat after work. I liken that to eating late at night.