Please don't judge me



  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    I agree with the smoothies and peanut butter ideas. Great way to add calories. Especially peanut butter in my own experience. Almost every time I have peanut butter I end up going over. :) I dip celery or apples in it. And good for you for acknowledging that you need to eat more and seeking ideas from others. Best of luck!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Try having a small piece of cheese, amazing how many calories that stuff has! Nuts are fantastic too, what about a small handful of pecans? Even ten of them will make a difference. :smile:

    What I'd suggest is that you try to eat more by a set date, for instance in two weeks time, and promise yourself that if you haven't been able to improve things on your own in that time, you'll seek help.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    You don't have an eating disorder, you are just scared.

    I am still struggling, I used to eat massive bags of chocolate and crisps every night, I used to have takeaway loads and drink vodka and full fat coke.

    Now I find myself eating hardly anything during the day in an effort to save on calories, I love to see around a 1000 left for dinner and evening. Then I find myself struggling to eat them all. Stupid eh! I am trying really hard but am failing miserably today.

    I think a good way is to try to plan your day, take your calorie total, divide by 4 (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack) choose a meal that hits those calories, that's the plan for me anyhow.

    Cheese was mentioned, I love cheese and try to have some if I'm low for the day.

    Good luck, admitting you are struggling is half the battle, you can do this. xxxx

    This is a good post. Fear can be a strong motivator in many things. Heathly respect and control are required and since you (OP) perhaps have a fear of gaining weight again, perhaps a fear of health concerns associated with under eating, you should work to find a way to respect those concerns by grabbing control of a program/plan for your meals, intake, and everything associated with it. MFP is a good start. The software is workable and there is plenty of community support. I have yet to not find the answer to any question I might have on nutrition by a google search, so there is loads more out there. You have started the process of controlling your outcome. Stay on it and you will get there.
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    When you mention the low calorie cereal and stuff.. makes me wonder if you're not having a whole lot of nutritionally dense foods. Maybe you could meet your amounts for the day if you didn't eat processed foods (I'm not making an assumption, just throwing it out there) and put in real food. Honestly, I just made the switch and real food is so much more satiable and I've lost weight a lot better without killing myself at the gym.

    And also, eventually the lower calorie ways of eating will backfire. Maybe not today or tomorrow but it will happen, so why not go ahead and take the measures to prevent such a thing from happening now.
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    My goodness people she doesn't need a counselor or a pshychiatrist. She doesn't have an eating disorder. If she was eating a cracker a day and diet coke then yes seek professional help. The most professional help she needs might be a dietician.

    It is hard from going to eating all you want to restricting everytthing. It is scary. I believe there are some people on here who gave some great advice. Listen to those who said to add a protein shake or a tablespoon of peanutbutter, or a protein bar. Definately start loosening up on buying low calorie items. Not everything you buy needs to be low calorie. I buy high fat cheeses high calorie. I also treat myself to a fudge bar at the end of the day which is 90 calories and gets me to calorie quota.