Going out to eat.



  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Eat something healthy and filling before you go so you won't be tempted to over-eat. I agree with looking up the menu/nutritional information online. If they don't have it then try to make the best choice(s) possible. Get dressing on the side, ask for no cheese, etc. Whatever meal you plan to eat most restaurants will make substitutes should you ask.

    I sometimes get nervous about eating out too. But if I plan it well I do pretty well with it and actually enjoy myself. I have also made many requests of substitutes at restaurants and they never told me no.
  • Jenn807
    Jenn807 Posts: 8
    That is exactly what I do too. First find out where you are going and do your best to plan ahead. I would log what you are going to order before you even walk in the door then you are more likely to get that instead of changing your mind. Then when food comes as for a to-go box. Put 1/2 of meal in box then eat the rest. Now you have lunch or dinner for tomorrow too!!!!
  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    i really enjoy going out to eat and its rare I go so when I do I already know in my head I wont really restrict myself. I just order what I would usually have but make small changes so that I dont feel as if I am missing out. for example swapping fried rice for bolied rice etc. And I usually have a pudding too, but I just dont eat it all. I leave around a third or share a pudding with someone else. If I order soft drinks I make sure they are diet. Then I make sure I exercise a bit extra when I get back and drink lots of water incase the meal contained a lot of sodium. Its worked for me so far. Everyone needs treats now and again!

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You have to live life. Make your best choices when you go out but family is very important. You can be a little over one day (I was quite a bit over last night for a very similar reason)... But it is ok. I'll make it up today and not sweat it... (or actually I will sweat it... it is a gym day.. and usually my best gym day of the week!)... So sweating it is what I'll do... LOL> You want to lose weight for yourself and your family... It is important to continue to work on your goals but learn to make LIFESTYLE choices that you can LIVE with after you attain your goal. If it is only a DIET then when it is over, you will tend to only return back to old habits when it is over. It is about making lifestyle changes so that it is maintainable when your goal is achieved. That will make a long term change possible. Part of this journey is leaning how to incorporate what we have to do on a regular basis into our new lifestyle. Make healthy choices while you are there but if you go a little over.. It is ok... Do a little extra activity and you will be just fine. Best wishes on your journey.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Just order a couple pieces of grilled chicken and broccoli.

    No reason why you can't just eat that.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    You know, going out to eat is part of life. If you stopped doing that now while you're losing weight, once you arrive at your goal and start eating out again, you'd gain the weight back. That's why it's better to learn to fit those meals into your calorie allowance now. as others have said, try to check nutritional info before going. If that's not possible, go, enjoy yourself and plan a workout afterwards. It's not the end of the world, and you can certainly go back to making good choices in the next meal.
    Good luck! You can do this!
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    I ended up NOT going. Instead I went shopping and bought running shoes and a yoga mat. I feel MUCH better then I would have if I went out :)
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I find out where and see if they have a menu online with the nutritional values and try to plan. If they don't, then I just try to make healthy choices.
    this is what i do 2
  • cheskax
    cheskax Posts: 25 Member
    My new fav place to go out is applebees! They have a 550 calorie section and also a weight watchers section... i ordered the sizzling asian shrimp and broccoli... it was yummy :)