Just joined the site. Anyone into races, mud races, ect??

I am a working, active mommy, who greatly enjoys the benefits of building physical endurance and strength. I have managed to keep myself active throughout the years with consistent work outs, however, I found myself buried under the daily demands of life after having my last baby a year and a half ago, and I have been stuck on the same weight after pregnancy, which is about 20 lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight.
Well I AM BACK!!! I have declared war against this extra fat in my body, and I WILL WIN.
I have found that working towards something has helped me reach my fitness goals and keep my motivation levels consistently on the high. For this reason, I am always on the look for my next race, mud run, or any other activity that sounds fun and puts this body to WORK. That also brings out the competitive part in me, and it makes it a whole lot more fun all together. With that said, if you are one that enjoys these types of activities as well, know that I will be delighted to engage! Even just for the cyber support.