Kids and Guilt

When I first started this site 2 years ago, I quickly became obsessed and fully committed. That waned last fall when I fell and love and became distracted. Now I'm living with a wonderful man and together we have three kids. Unfortunately his job at the present keeps him gone long hours and currently for 8 days on a project out of town. I love these kids and I hate that I am their only attention (they are 9 and under) I used to go straight from work to the gym but now I pick up the youngest and head home. I've stopped taking care of myself and the weight has come back quickly. I was down to 203 in October and I'm back at 228. Its awful. I keep trying to shake my resolve and get restarted but I hasn't stuck. I feel overwhelmed and stressed 95% of my day. I'm stress eating and having temporary bouts of complete apathy. Help!


  • jencornelius
    Exercise with the kids. It's good for both of you and they are getting your still attention. You can go for walks, play at the park, etc. My 3 year old likes to try and exercise with me if I have a DVD in too. They will have fun with just about anything and you are teaching them good lifestyle habits too. Good luck!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    You don't have to go to the gym to workout. Take the kids for a hike. Stream some videos on Netflix, Hulu, or even YouTube. Invest in some exercise videos. Workout before/after the kids are in bed, if you can't get them interested in working out with you.

    You can do it!