The 17 Day Diet



  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    A ton of my FB friends are doing it and I read it over. The whole thing scared the bejeezus out of me and I said, no thanks... will stick to what works for me. I am a crazy cranky b!tch when you start limiting my food groups the way they have it set out. I likes me some apples.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    If you cannot be strict with your food choices for a short amount of time then this diet is probably not for you.

    If the people doing the diets were strict with their food choices, they wouldn't need to be doing the diet.

    Eat less than or equal to what you expend. No need to make it more difficult than it is.
  • ncbrowneyes97
    ncbrowneyes97 Posts: 48 Member
    I started this before going to Florida to see my husband and lost 3 pounds in the 4 days I had done it. Even though I didn't follow it exactly while I was in Florida, I didn't gain any weight back- so I am starting back today at where I left off Day 5- I actually have enjoyed this diet so far- so I will continue to update the results- also you may want to join the group for 17 day dieters- here is the link:

    Good luck!!
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I started this before going to Florida to see my husband and lost 3 pounds in the 4 days I had done it.

    This is water weight.

    3 pounds of fat is 10,500 calories. Over 4 days, that would mean a 2625 calorie deficit per day. Unless you exercised like crazy, you did not do this. And if you exercised like crazy, your diet would not matter.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    A ton of my FB friends are doing it and I read it over. The whole thing scared the bejeezus out of me and I said, no thanks... will stick to what works for me. I am a crazy cranky b!tch when you start limiting my food groups the way they have it set out. I likes me some apples.

    You can have apples...and pears, and plums, and blueberries, and oranges, and strawberries.
    No refined sugar though, so it's not for everybody.
  • denabing
    denabing Posts: 1
    I used this last year. It was a great way to lose some weight quickly so that I felt the results and was motivated to continue. It is difficult because it is limiting in the begining, however if you are able to stick with it, it is worth it. I love 15lbs on cycle one. I continued to lose and when I eventually moved into the final cycle was able to keep it off for a year. i am considering doing it again to try to lose the last bit of weight i want to drop. I think that it is a nice diet because it adds the foods you are limited back in and is something you can follow for the rest of your life just to live in a more healthy way.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    I just completed Cycle 1 and lost about 7 lbs!

    I've continued the lifestyle change and think that this book is a great way to jumpstart your diet and introduce you into healthy portions and choosing carbs wisely. Also- to prove this is sustainable to those who stick to it.. I've lost another 2 lbs since getting off of the first 17 day cycle.

    Please do not pay attention to all of those who are criticizing. In their defense- yes, the name "17 Day Diet" makes it sound like its something you only do for 17 days and then BAM... you're done... no more diet or exercise. Personally I DESPISE the word diet.

    However, please do your research and check out the book from a local library or go to a bookstore. Its not only for 17 days... its a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.... and the book is a great way to help those out who have been looking for a way to change their eating habits but did not have the proper guidance. I blogged about my experience, go to my profile and check it out if you would like or email me if you have any questions.
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    Please do not pay attention to all of those who are criticizing.

    Please do not pay attention to the people advocating fad diets.

    If it calls itself a "diet" and tells you that you absolutely cannot eat certain foods, it's a fad diet. This is not a sustainable lifestyle change.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Please do not pay attention to all of those who are criticizing.
    How about a medical professional's opinion?

    "Despite the plan's title, you will not lose weight quickly and keep it off after being on this plan for only 17 days.

    Alternating between cycle 1 and cycle 2 might prevent boredom, but it really is just a strategy to cut calories and give you staying power to stick with the plan.

    Although the evidence is lacking to substantiate Moreno’s weight loss theory of metabolic adjustment to burn fat, the principles of the diet are the foundation of all good diet plans: Cut calories; eat healthy foods; limit sugars, alcohol, and refined starches; and get regular exercise. That's solid advice that will lead to successful weight control.

    Eat fruit whenever you want and add a once-daily multivitamin mineral to fill in nutritional gaps and the 17 Day Diet could be your answer to long-term weight control."

    Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD,

    You don't need to follow the silly guidelines of the diet. Just eat sensibly.