New to tea



  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Sounds like you picked a type that's not really your thing. I absolutely LOVE tea but I can't stand certain types and flavors. Right now my favorite tea is a cinnamon vanilla flavored tea by Stash.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If you're starting out, drink white or green teas though preferably white since it is the weakest. Both white and green tea are weak in flavor and so they often come in a wider variety of flavors or can be bought relatively plain for you to add your own. Black tea, red tea, and oolong are stronger in flavor (red being strongest) and also higher in caffeine. Your average iced tea at a restaurant is black tea. If you can handle that even with lemon or honey/sugar added then you can stick to making iced tea or just try generic black teas and do the same.

    All tea has the same properties as far as antioxidants and other good stuff, it's not limited to any particular type because they all come from the same plant. The only difference is the caffeine level which even at its highest in red tea is still below your average cup of coffee.

    Basically it takes a lot of experimenting to find one that tastes good whether hot or cold. Grocery store teas are mostly dirt, herbal teas aren't even tea, and loose leaves tend to be preferred to bagged teas in terms of flavor. If you don't like tea, you're not the first person and won't be the last. Personally I hate coffee. But like I said, you might want to try to start on the lighter end of the spectrum and go for flavors you know you'll like. Twinings and The Republic of Tea are good brands, as is Zhevra's Gypsy Tea.
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    I've just recently started taking up drinking tea, too! xx It tastes bitter without anything in it, so I add a few packets of sugar and it tastes fine.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    Currently snuggled on the couch with hot water bottle and a hot cup of chamomile!
    I like Stash Premium and Celestial Seasonings for brands. I currently have green, chamomile, chai, earl gray, and about a million different herbal blends. I think I have at least one cup per day, but usually more.
  • pashun_phlower
    pashun_phlower Posts: 13 Member
    If I could afford to go to Teavana every week, it's all I would drink. Opening each tin and smelling the tea is like heaven.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm very picky about my tea. Really can't stand the fruit or chocolate flavored kinds. I prefer black tea, orange pekoe, etc... chilled- no sweetener and lemon is optional. I like green tea, mint, chamomile and red teas hot. Have to agree with saragato that Zhevra's Gypsy Tea is terrific - just finished a cup. Sometimes I put in a bit of honey, but I usually just drink it plain.

    If you're feeling poorly, I recommend chamomile. Many, many moons ago, people gave chamomile tea to children for stomach complaints.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    I haven't been feeling well, so I just made my first cup of tea (EVER) and was hoping it would help me feel a little better.
    How does the majority of the planet handle it?
    This kind I'm trying to have right now is a ginger peach green tea. I ever put a bit of honey in it. :(
    I"m not a coffee drinker either. Any recommendations for some teas being better than others?

    It's an acquired taste. If you haven't acquired it by now ... well, you probably won't. The only other thing I can recommend is herbal tea, which can taste like just about anything. I like a nice mint tea every now and again. :smile:
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    I don't drink tea as a rule being a hardened strong black coffee drinker but when pregnant the only thing I could drink was herbal tea. I tried many, many flavours before settling on a blackcurrant one, a nettle tea and a lemony ginger one. There are so many to chose from that I'm sure you'll find one you like.
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    A tea that is good for you and have a nice taste, it is also great for stomach trouble is peppermint (herbal) tea. I use a brand called Market District, but it's sold at Giant Eagle. You can get it in other brands. as with all tea it needs sugar. I would recommend Truvia or Stevia as a no calorie, and made from real sugar subsitute.

    Neither of those is made from real sugar. They are made from the stevia plant. A lot of people like it, but I can't stand it. I don't use a lot of sugar to begin with, so to me it's worth using honey or actual sugar to sweeten something like my tea.

    Hum interesting fact to know. I could've swore it said mage from real sugar on the box...oh well I still like it. I tried honey once but I'm not a huge fan of it unless it's in wheat beer bread. Bad childhood experience with honey :)