Coffea Cruda

For as long as I can remember, I haven't slept much. I go to bed at around 10:30, and wake up at 4 -5:30. However, even though it's been happening all my life, I'm still tired during the day because of it. My doctor suggested that since I have no problems falling asleep, just staying asleep is the problem, I might want to try taking coffea cruda, so I went and bought some.

I was looking up what the possible side effects of coffea cruda are and a number or posts came up about people experiencing significant weight gain from it because it slowed their metabolism. I know that many people just blame their weight gain on their medication so they don't have to be accountable, and I shouldn't beleive everything I read online, but since it's meant to slow your system down so that you can sleep I wonder if it might be true? Does anyone know about this?