New here and not very motivated yet. Help!

Hello. I've never tried to lose weight before, and I'm glad I found this site to help keep me organized and motivated. I have about 50 pounds to lose, but I have a hard time staying motivated and keeping an interest. I'd like to reach my goal weight by eating properly and power walking almost every day (coupled with some other indoor exercises).

Anyone else have motivation issues? What do you do to get yourself to keep going?

I'm wondering if it might help if I implemented a rewards system for myself with material items I want. For instance, I'll allow myself to buy the book I want when I've reached a small goal for myself (such as lose 5 pounds). Has anyone else tried something like this?


  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Hi! I have 55 more lbs to lose after losing 61 and gaining a few back. I have a tough time staying motivated because this is the longest I've ever had to stay at fitness and weight loss to reach a goal. I came to the realization that it is a lifestyle change though and that I will be at this fitness and healthy eating game for life!

    At first, I would reward myself with different items but found that I would buy things for myself even if I wasn't meeting my goals and then feel guilty about it. Now I just see my improved health, lower weight and increased happiness as the best reward I could ever give myself.

    Since I have such a hard time staying motivated, I decided to start using MFP for this last step in my weight loss journey. I am getting supportive friends of all types on here so that I will have the positive encouragement I need along the way.

    You're in the right place to find your motivation! Good luck to you.
  • PBfilledpretzel
    Feel free to add me :) When I was unmotivated, I put myself around people who would uplift me and that kept me accountable :) I can be that too :D
  • krismiller5
    krismiller5 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi There!

    You have come to the right place to lose weight. I am the same as you I am doing it by eating healthy and walking or working out almost everyday! Believe me when the weight starts to come off you will feel great and that will be you rmotivation! If this is something you really want to do then it is possible! Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it! Keep faith in yourself and you will do great! Feel free to contact me anytime! Welcome aboard! :tongue:
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Hey guys, if you are looking for people to motivate you, you can ad me if you want, I'm here everyday and it would be my pleasure to support you. Have a great weekend and rock on
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Mini goals are a good way to stay motivated.

    But keep in mind you won't always feel motivated, and you can't rely on outside sources to provide motivation.

    It comes from within, and even when you don't want to exercise, or you really want that piece of cake, it's up to you to conquer yourself.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I think that making little rewards for yourself can be helpful, anything that gives you a little excitement and motivation: for some people, it might be a book or toy like makeup, and some people enjoy stuff like a free makeover at a store or planning to buy a new something for the wardrobe within their own budget (to me, it doesn't make sense to go broke losing weight, or to get fat as a result of saving money--they are both forms of budgeting, I think!). You might want to do something like learn a little dance or exercise routine from youtube or somewhere, and see how much easier it gets as you do it more and more, which will result in more fitness for you. I say good luck and do whatever works for you! Feel free to friend me if you want someone who logs in most days and will say helpful stuff if you want--
  • rininger85
    rininger85 Posts: 131
    I've had a tough time motivating myself in the past too, and I'm just getting back in to an exercise routine and finding that its still hard to motivate myself to get off the couch, but I bought a treadmill and weight lifting machine a few months ago and the treadmill is in the living room so theres no reason I can't watch TV while I'm walking on the treadmill... so slowly I'm getting back in to it. I participated in a group session a couple years ago that we met with a personal trainer or a dietician every week for 3 months and they gave us a free 3 month gym membership with it... I found it much easier to get motivated when I was going there and had other people that I was being accountable to, and over a 3 month period I managed to lose 30 lbs... then the free membership was over and I quit working out, now 2 years later I found myself with not only the 30 lbs that I had lost, but an additional 10 on top of that, so having hit my highest weight in my life (250.5 lbs for my 27th birthday) and decided immediately that it was time to get motivated.

    I've found it has been pretty easy to get back to eating an appropriate amount of food (I'm an overeater for sure... so I have to track my calories to make sure I don't over eat...), I don't necessarily eat the best foods still, but just putting myself in check for how many calories I'm eating is a big difference... then the motivation for exercising is still tough, but the more you work out the more you will want to work out... you have to be able to get past it to begin and force yourself to do it even if you aren't seeing any results because eventually you will see results and then that is where your motivation will come from. Now I'm motivating myself by keeping sight of my goal... my goal was to be under 200lbs last time I attempted this and I never made it... this time I will! And knowing how much better I looked and felt when I had lost the 30 lbs before will keep me going this time... I will be under 200 lbs before summer is over!
  • Pururin
    Pururin Posts: 16
    Wow, thank you all for the support and helpful suggestions. I feel like I've come to the right place. I don't really have many people in my life that can give me support and direction when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.
    Tomorrow, my journey begins, starting with a long walk and a trip to the grocery store. :]