Putting ON weight - help and advice :)



  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    My daughter and father are both under weight. My dad is 5'11 and 110 on a good day. He takes meal supplements like boost as a snack. They have one for weight gain. He hasn't gained much weight but he has more energy. This is also what a nutritionist told us to give our daughter to gain weight. She is only 3 so there is no telling if any gain is the meal supplement? Good luck!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I would suggest adding nuts to your snacks, or snacking randomly on nuts during the day, as these are high calorie, healthy and contain good fats.

    I would also suggest a big bowl of cereal before bed, if you can fit it in, as those can really rack up the calories, again in a healthy way if you choose your cereal carefully. Muesli is good.

    Add some bananas or dried fruits to your oatmeal in the morning, and an egg if you can fit it in.

    And as others have said, strength training would be good, anything that might build some muscle.
    I guess some people are just designed to be very thin, the same as some people are built large. Just one of those things and I am sure you are lovely, underweight or not. I hope you have some success with gaining, I would certainly aim for over 2000 calories a day as many on here are maintaining at that sort of calorie intake, without exercise.
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    93.8 lbs on a 5'7" frame is way too low. I am hoping it is a typo.
  • Travelfixer
    Travelfixer Posts: 139 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    I currently weigh 93.8 lbs , I'm 5"7.5 - Ideally I would like to be atleast 7 or 7 1/2 stone however I'm having problems getting there!

    I set up an account here to try and figure out how many calories I am missing out so that
    I can re figure out my diet (adding more bits in/swapping stuff etc!) :) + What vitamins etc I'm low on!

    I would be really appreciative if someone could suggest some ways of improving my diet but also keeping it reasonably healthy!I think I might have a fast metabolism also... my dad and mum are v skinny

    Here's a typical days meal and exercise for me! :)


    Oat so Simple Porridge with 180ml Semi Skm Milk
    Cup of Tea with 2oml Milk (gotthis from the myfitness website)


    Brown Roll/Wrap
    Spoonful of Hummus (Regular)

    Packet of/Sunbite Wholemeal Crisps

    Piece of Fruit


    Piece of Wholemeal toast with Peanut Butter(Reg) + Cup of TEa


    Normally something like Jacket potato with Tuna Butter
    / 2sausages and mash, Stirfry (2 "nests" of noodles)

    Snack (after dinner)

    Wholemeal Toast Peanut Butter


    I walk atleast 30mins quick pace or more a day
    I also dog walk twice a week at 40mins each time

    I do Hatha Yoga for 1hour

    Good luck everyone!

    Daisy :)

    after saying I hope its a typo, I should say I couldnt gain weight when I was younger, ate anything never put it on, so you probably are the same way as I was, do you take a multivitamin daily? Id say take one of those and maybe calcium too. Good luck!
  • lilmayo
    lilmayo Posts: 8
    Wow! Can;t believe how much of a response I got for this - thanks so much Everyone! ( Thanks for replying re the typo comment- I wasnt offended dont worry :) ) -

    After looking through all the comments I think, when I go shopping next I will invest in some fruit and nuts (too add to my porridge), some yoghurt+fruit for smoothies, and have a look at protein powder etc.! These seem fairly reasonable to buy aswell which is
    great for my Uni budget :3

    I have boosted my food intake even today buy adding an extra spoonful of hummus and having tuna in my roll at Lunch alongside
    the beans and salad - which is an extra 80 (y)

    Thanks everyone and good luck with your own progress!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    93.8 lbs on a 5'7" frame is way too low. I am hoping it is a typo.

    That could be why they are looking to put ON weight

    Sorry OP, I can't help with this one but hopefully someone will come along with an answer for you :smile:

    Some people simply have awesome metabolisms and do not seem to gain weight. I smell jealousy
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    My brother struggled with this as well. He was in the military and was considered malnourished. He was about 6 feet tall and weighed 130 lbs. He did not enjoy eating and weight gain was a constant struggle.

    One thing I know he did was nuts and avocado, in other words, healthy plant-based fats. He also added hemp protein to his smoothies, along with frozen fruits and (believe it or not) spinach. I've tried them and they are delicious!

    Best of luck to you.
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    I work at a pediatric sports medicine clinic. One of our athletic trainers suggets to our teenagers looking to bulk up for sports that they eat two peanut butter sandwiches with a glass of milk right before bed each night. Combined with exercise, this gives your body the extra protein it needs to help your muscles recover and build lean mass.

    For someone like you with a fast metabolism who seems to exercise plenty, this might be something easy that you could try. Hope it helps!
  • lilmayo
    lilmayo Posts: 8
    These are great Ideas, thanks so much! I have been eating alot of peanut butter on wholemeal toast, I am finding it tough though to eatmore but not make it it too unhealthy :( !
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Milk is grow juice.

    Which is generally a negative for those looking to lose weight, and a positive for those looking to gain weight.

    It quite literally is the best substance on earth for the task, it is what nature designed it to do.

    GOMAD is a common weightlifting bulking scheme (gallon of milk a day).

    If you are looking to put on weight, drink more milk. If your kids are underweight, give them more milk. The substance is specifially designed to make you bigger.
  • lilmayo
    lilmayo Posts: 8
    Thank you! I have been getting myself on to it (not a big fan!) but it's getting easier now!

    Thanks for the reply! :D
    Daisy x
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    hay, i had to put on a lot of weight recently. i found full calorie protein shakes helped, i did a fair amount of resistance but continued with my cardio. i also found that things like olive oil to salads and cooking helped a little.. nuts and shakes are a really good idea too. i ate a bit of dark chocolate too :) erm i dont know where you live, i know in the uk you wont get them but theres these things called big ms which are lke drinks chco milkshakes with stacks of protein and low in sugar. well low ish. i went for complex carbs because simple carbs didnt help to gain for me..... eggs are good too. erm its hard tho to gain, but its doable. i gained like 10kgs in over 7 months, but as soon as i stopped trying i started too loose rapidly again so its sort of a balance. i try to make sure i eat something about an hour before a work out (no9 a big meal - like a banana and a few nuts) and then very soon after have a meal. its just fitting in. im at uni tooo, and its not easy on a budget! i had the added extra that my dad died and i was like right gotta gain and really just went full pelt.

    i hope you find some ideas on here that work for you! and good luck :)
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    To the OP, track your calories for a while, and have a look at how many you are eating. You should work out your BMR (google will help you find a calculator) and try and eat the amount of calories to maintain the weight you want to reach. Or I think MFP has a "weight gain" function - try that for a while.

    Good luck!
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    93.8 lbs on a 5'7" frame is way too low. I am hoping it is a typo.

    That could be why they are looking to put ON weight

    Sorry OP, I can't help with this one but hopefully someone will come along with an answer for you :smile:

    Some people simply have awesome metabolisms and do not seem to gain weight. I smell jealousy

    Huh? Was that aimed at me? Or the other person? They have since apologised to the OP for their comment, and if it was aimed at me I smell someone getting the wrong end of the stick.
    Some people do have awesome metabolisms...such as me. I have hyperthyroidism and have a lovely high metabolism. No jealousy needed.

    Just a thought to the OP maybe try swapping out lower fat foods, for there higher/standard alternatives. So rather than ther light versions of things have the standard version. I hope you're progressing well in your personal journey :smile:
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    If you don't like milk, try cheese or whole milk yogurt. You can make protein shakes with greek yogurt and ice cream instead of milk. There are other nuts and nut butters out there, so you don't have to be stuck eating just peanuts/peanut butter. Add an avocado to your salads. Cook with olive oil.
  • lilmayo
    lilmayo Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone for the helpful advice,

    ive been eating alot more peanut butter and drinking a glass of milk a day which has meant i'm only about 4o cals under my daily qouta! Once i can easily managed to get my daily calories im going to up it to put on a lb as its half a lb atm as i thought it might be tough otherwise!

    thanks for the kind words and good luck everyone!
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    Avocado! As others have said, and you have done, peanut butter and nuts. Also whole milk.