Givin' it another try....

Hi! My name is Jerri and my brother told me about this site a few days ago and I can safely say it is a place I could get addicted to easily! I have always struggled with weight issues (since 7 yrs old...45 now) and so I think I can honely say I have tried most every diet plan out there and many have worked....for awhile... and then real life hit and there it all went again! My last attempt was a drastic one...3 yrs ago I had gastric bypass surgery. I lost about 140 lbs rather quickly because it was impossible not to but then this wonderful body adapted itself and began to start absorbing calories again and unfortunately the emotional mind wasn't operated on also so as soon as the going got rough...the rough ran to the junk food and sugar that I refer to as my 'drug of choice'. I'm now trying to do the right thing again...follow the 'rules' and just work towards being healthy. I don't even care what that weight is anymore. I just want to be able to to what I want to do...whenever I want to do it...and not worry about whether or not I fit!!!!!!!!!

Ok with all that said... I'm looking for some accountability buddies. I don't eat perfect...and probably never will... but I just think it would be nice to have some friends that have 'walked a mile in my shoes'.



  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Jerri! I am fairly new to MFP myself and I love it!! I've never counted calories or portions size before so I'm finding that I need to tweak cetain areas of my diet. I gained 30+ lbs. in 2008, I had cellutlitis in my legs and feet and had to be inactive for over a year. The pounds came on pretty fast despite trying to watch what I ate. I initially lose 18 lbs. on my own but gained 10 back recently as I had to take prednisone for asthma after having pneumonia. I'm not only trying to lose weight but have a healthier diet and lifestyle for life. Like you, sugar is my "drug of choice" and I can't imagine not eating it ever. But I do feel we can eat what we want as long as we watch portions and keep a healthy banlance in our diet. odue to fibromyalgia.

    Feel free to add me, we can never have too many friends to help motivate and support us...we can do this together :smile: !!