Crappy morning

shannahrenee Posts: 380
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Booooo! this morning has sucked so far and now all I want to do is eat and after i logged my breakfast and lunch (I do that first thing in the morning) I only have about 565 calories left so I can't eat anything else because I'm having dinner with family tonight so it's going to be hard enough to stay below that. :mad:

And to top it all off I gained a pound as of this morning. I know it's probably just my weight fluctating because I weigh myself every day (I know, bad idea. but it keeps me in check).

Can't stop thinking about food, but I need to lose 5 more lbs by July 13 to achieve my first mini goal...ahhhhh! Stupid Food. :grumble:


  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    First off, I think we have ALL been there, life happens and there are going to be set backs. We all beat ourselves up and you know what? Don't!!! Simply pick yourself up, put on a smile and continue on from where you are at. When you feel like snacking, drink a full glass of water or brush your teeth, two proven ways to curb the appetite and desire to eat. Just do your best and know that all is well, the world is not going to blow up and you are going to be fine. Were all here and are supporting you. Happy Tuesday!!
  • I know how you feel. My co-workers wanted to order from Chili's yesterday for lunch and I can't resist their boneless buffalo wings. I ate an entire order of those and a fajita pita. I had to skip dinner last night. This morning wasn't any better with my 6 yr old yelling that he wanted pancakes. I agree, stupid food!
  • ilmommkc
    ilmommkc Posts: 73
    In my opinion, not allowing yourself your "trigger" foods is the worst thing you can do. Once you do allow it, you overindulge yourself. Eat the foods, but in moderation. Order a small fry rather than a large, order a small shake and put 1/2 of it in the freezer for the next time you have a craving.

    And don't skip meals, you will suffer when the next one is coming up. Have a fruit salad, small side salad, a piece of boneless, skinless chicken, etc. GL!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Ahhh.... reality. That's the beauty of logging your food BEFORE you eat - the reality is right in front of you - warding off a potentially crappy day. Now, had you just ate whatever it was that you thought you wanted/needed to, and then logged it after the fact.... you might have set yourself up for a crappy day - - but you didn't. You have a plan for the day, so stick to it. There is power in knowledge (having a plan)! Work off whatever aggression you might be feeling by doing some shadow boxing. Plant your feet shoulder width apart, get those fists up and move!! Punch out that crappy morning - take charge!
  • I log my all my meals and snacks everyday first thing in the morning too, to see what I should be eating, where I can eat more, and where I need to cut back. I used to have the problem too of getting past lunch and only having about 500 left for the rest of the day. But then I changed my eating a little so there are fewer calories in my breakfast and lunch which leaves more for dinner and afternoon snacks. Since I'm guessing you havent' eaten lunch yet, maybe you can change it to something like oatmeal which is pretty filling, and usually under 200 calories.

    Last week I had the same problem of going out to dinner, so I checked out the menu before I left to see what sounded good and then checked the calories online. That way I knew what kind of things I could eat before I got there, and if I needed to choose different meals in the morning/afternoon to let myself have a dinner I'd enjoy. :wink:
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Thanks everyone for all the support!!! It's really helped me keep in check today. I'm going to nix the lunch i brought and get something with less calories so i don't have to stress later!

    You guys rock! Thanks again! :heart:
  • christine918
    christine918 Posts: 261
    I am having the same problem today! It's driving me crazy!! I think I could eat everything in the house and still be hungry today!!! STUPID FOOD!!!
    Created by - Free Food Diary
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