how many calories in a day should u have?

i have just joined a couple of weeks ok.i have also joined the y n a weight lose starting weight was 172 n i now weigh 169 .my calorie intake is 1500 a day .at first i was on 1200 calories a day but i was hungry all the time.but now i feel like im not losing. what is a good calorie intake to lose n 5ft.3' n medium build.i work out at least 3 days a week.n also on my feet all day at work.any suggestions.:smile:


  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    Its hard for me to say without seeing your daily diary because it seems to me with you weight and calorie intake, you should be full. But I guess everyone is different.

    Are you eating less processed foods and more fruit and veggies? Also, how is your ptoyein, especially on the days you work out?