Ecigs! Who's used 'em?

takirb Posts: 14 Member
I'm 32yrs old, and have been smoking for 22yrs. Yes, i started when i was 10. I can't remember what it was like NOT to smoke. I can still remember the first time feeling, it was awesome. I recently picked up my first e-cig a month ago. For those that aren't familiar with them, they're electronic cigarettes. Basically consisting of a battery and an atomizer. The atomizer vaporizes nicotine liquid, and that's what you inhale/exhale. Traditional cigs have 400+ chemicals, the liquid in an ecig has about 10. No tobacco, carcinogens (cancer causing substances), 2nd hand concerns, smoke, tar, etc. Basically it's a propylene glycol (PG) or glycerin (VG) base, mixed with nicotine and flavoring. And don't get on the "nicotine is so bad for you too" rant, it's about as bad as caffeine. A little more addicting, and they both increase blood pressure. Ecigs aren't to be called "safe", but they're a "safer" alternative to traditional smoking.

As i said, i've been smoking for 22yrs, but with the help of an ecig, i haven't smoked a real cigarrette in 1 whole month as of tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked about it, i should buy a carton of cigs to celebrate! ;) J/K Really, i sat down tonight with some ol' shine and a corona, then my ecig battery died. Sucks...