SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo June 24

mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
Good morning! How is everyone?
I'm feeling lazy this morning. I was going to go for a "run" but I needed to get my Bible study homework done before tomorrow. Now I am just wanting to go back to bed. :yawn: I'm not that tired so I don't know what the deal is. I will get some work out in today, plus squats and pushups.
Getting ready to take Alex to ride the horse and, if we leave early enough, to feed the ducks. We haven't done that in awhile.
I can't believe my birthday is a week away. Where has this year gone? It's like I told my DH, "As people get older, we slow down and time speeds up!"
Mary how are you doing today? I couldn't comment on your post last night because I was so sad. I know that my cat is getting old and I don't like to think about it.
CP, I am with you on having to plan ahead. If I don't I get into trouble. Eating out is really hard for me.
I'd better get going. Have a good day everyone!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Thanks MM. My husband is really broken up and is having a hard time with me leaving today for California. I leave before he does because I won't fly - so I'm going by train.

    Yesterday - lots of walking. Today - gym for walk/jog and then some walking later. Also short yoga practice at home. I woke up too late today to make it to a yoga class.

    California here I come, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    How long and expensive is the train ride Mary? DH wants to take me to Cali so bad. Taking the train might be fun!
    So I was standing out in the heat for about 45 minutes, and I am on my way home thinking, "I can't work out today. It's hot. I'm tired and sleepy from being out in the heat." Then I see a lady walking, a guy mowing, a man doing construction work. I have no excuse. Although I will be working out INSIDE! I will probably do Shred. It's short. lol May even sit in Alex's little pool with him!
    Everyone stay cool!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Good luck on the train, Mary. It's too bad your husband can't take the train with you. When do you come back?

    I'm not sure if I'm going to get any exercise in today other than my (almost) daily after-lunch walk. I need to remember to put sunscreen on my arms - I am getting a farmer tan! :tongue: After work, I am thinking I want to go to a running store and see what kind of shoes they think I should have. I have two pairs now, but one is pretty old/worn out, and the other is rather heavy and better for walking than running. Then I need to start getting the house ready for a friend who is coming to visit for a few days on Friday.

    V, what sort of routine were you using to help firm up your backside? I am thinking I need to add some lower body strength training to my routine (pushups and cardio). Oh, and WL - I just learned that 20 second intervals w/10 seconds recovery are called Tabata intervals. I think I was doing the reverse - 10 second intervals w/20 seconds rest. Either way sounds tough.

    California dreamin' boogaloo...
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    How long and expensive is the train ride Mary? DH wants to take me to Cali so bad. Taking the train might be fun!

    If you left from Fort Worth, you would leave about 2:30pm on day 1 and get to LA at 9:30am on day 3 - in my case, I'm leaving today at 7pm and arriving at 9:30 on Friday. If you ride coach, it's about the same as a plane ticket, sometimes cheaper with the kids. I think Alex would go absolutely bonkers after about 2 hours. There's a train that goes from Fort Worth to Oklahoma City that would be a good trail run. It would cost about $75 for both of you round trip and take a little over 4 hours each way.

    Oh, I always see people biking and running in the middle of the afternoon when it's 100 degrees out. I never understood that. :noway:

    CP - I get home on July 7th. Husband always thinks he doesn't want to take the train, then the time comes and he doesn't want to be away from me :heart:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I took a train all the way from Rochester to Portland once - although I stopped for a few hours in Chicago, and a few days in Wisconsin. But the long haul from Wisconsin to Oregon was about 3 days. It was a fun trip, but you definitely have to have the right mindset for that sort of journey, I think. I'm sorry you have to be away from hubby for a couple days right now, though. Enjoy your vacation! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm typing on my desktop! A new power supply and back to normal. Thank God!

    CP, I owe the state of my backside to yoga, spinning, walking as my primary means of transportation and the elliptical. I hate lower body weights/squats, etc. . .Yoga does a lot, especially if you're holding the balancing postures for a while.

    I've decided that I have a problem with "social eating" (like social drinking, only with food). I equate good times with plenty plenty food and drink. I went to my husband's church choir picnic last night and I shudder to think about the calories I racked up. This is not good when I'm trying to have a social life.:tongue: At least I don't binge in secret anymore, so that's progress.

    Yes, planning is absolutely the key. I've taken to packing a lunchbox thing no matter where I'm going if it's going to be more than an hour or two. (an enormous purse helps, too.)

    Oh, and today is a scheduled day off. I've decided to go back to three days of cardio and two of yoga, with one of the cardio days being a circuit training day with weights.

    Deepest sympathies, Mary. and safe journey. :flowerforyou:

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    CP - I think there's something called "yoga butt". I think I have one - it's strong and poochy. Warrior 1 and 2 are some of the better ones.

    Oh, and the heat index just hit 106 - what a day to leave.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    It just rained HARD here for about an hour! The temp dropped about 12 degrees! Whoo-hoo! :bigsmile: