


  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    I've had this for 2 years and I haven't had any problems with it. All forms of BC will carry some sort of risk with their side effects, but it's a matter of talking to your doctor and figuring out what would work best for you. I know women who have had to try 3-4 different kinds of BC before finding something that actually works for them. I would hate to see people scared away from what I consider to be a very convenient, effective form of BC simply because of the horror stories some of you experienced. Not that I'm implying those aren't important factors to consider, but I would hardly say that it's a horrendous method of BC for many.
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    I used NuvaRing for over a year and had to stop. Loved the convenience, but experienced incredible headaches (full day migraines) on each Wednesday after my period started-- like clockwork. Could do nothing but lie in bed in a dark room. Stopped the ring, the headaches stopped. Told my OBGyn who said she was surprised, because NuvaRing was "low dose" hormones.
    Have been on some kind of pills for my whole adult life, but that stretch with the NuvaRing was just awful.
  • MsPopRouge
    MsPopRouge Posts: 6 Member
    I think the issue is not that all birth control doesn't carry risks. But nuvaring does carry some increased risk, and you aren't always told those INCREASED risks. There are many forms of BC, and depending on your lifestyle and stage, some more informed discussion is needed.

    Since dealing with the medical issues of my being placed on nuvaring I have had numerous medical personnel from RNs to Doctors who said nuvaring for me was a bad medical decision, and I should have been more informed. I used other forms including bc pills for years, nuvaring was an obvious bad fit for me. But when my doctor prescribed it for me I was never informed of the more increased risks and would have probably declined and requested a more traditional form of bc or one with less hormones.

    I wish it were just horror stories, unfortunately it is my real life. As for those other women who experienced negative side effects, it is what they honestly went though as well. I feel stupid for not doing exactly what the poster here is doing and asking other women for their results. I may have dug deeper and saved myself pain and expense.

    I am glad you had a positive outcome with your decision, and wish you the best in your future health.

    Added for clarification, study result:
    "In relevant part, this new FDA study found that the NuvaRing was associated with a significantly higher risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) relative to standard low-dose estrogen birth control pills, with the estimate of relative risk for NuvaRing being 1.56 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.37).

    One of the key points made in this October 2011 FDA study report is that continuous exposure combined hormonal contraceptives such as the NuvaRing "potentially result in higher sustained exposure to estrogen and hence, increased thromboembolic risk"."
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    any hormonal birth control can change your body in relation to weight, but some may be better than others. There are some non-hormonal options though. They can really get you feeling back to normal. The copper IUC (paraguard) has no hormones and is 99.9% effective for 10 years. Planned parenthood offers them at differing prices based on your income, so long term its the cheapest form of birth control.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I know this thread is rather old, but I wanted to share my two cents. I got a massive DVT in my whole left leg after being on nuvaring for three months (only 18 yrs old and fairly healthy). Turns out I had a blood clotting disorder (genetics) that was triggered by the hormones. Even without that I'm 100% certain it was the nuvaring that caused my blood clot as I've never had any other health problems before or after. It has a much higher risk than other forms of bc because it goes straight into your blood locally rather than getting digested and also uses a different hormone.

    Of course everyone's bodies are different and lots of people enjoy it. My biggest caution would be to listen to your body. If you are having migraines talk to your doctor right away. Like clockwork I always got a horrible migraine, after starting it up again every month, that would last several hours. I also had symptoms which I now believe were an undiagnosed mini stroke during the first month. Again, not really typical, but if you do have any of the side effects, tell your doctor as they may be a sign of something more serious.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    My husband is definitely supportive of finding another BC so I am thankful for that. I think I am definitely going to stop using this!
    hopefully he'll get a vasectomy. It's cheaper, outpatient, reversible, doesn't affect hormones, no side effects but of course women are left with the burden of taking care of birth control. It affects our hormones, weight, thyroid, vascular system, so on and so on
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm getting rid of mine. I've been in the worst mood and my period hasn't stopped since I put it in. This is my first month with it and I know that there may be adjustment periods but these side effects are a killer. No wonder it's an effective bc. It kills your libido and makes TOM never go away. Yep definitely not gonna get pregnant this way....
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I had the ParaGuard for years (10 + a few months when I couldn't get to the dr's :(. ) and I loved it.. I haven't tried NuvaRing, but like others have said, all hormonal BC has side effects to a degree, etc.. I have an IUD in again, after a couple years away from it (I was on Depo shots for 2 years) and I love having it.. My periods used to be really bad with cramps, aches and blinding migraines but on the IUD/IUC's I have had less of all it thankfully!! No pregnancies, no severe weight gain other than what was self inflicted.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've been on it for a few years. Definitely no weight gain from it.
  • I've used it for years. I am older than most who've answered here, but I've always had good luck with it. I've never had cramps or moodiness with my periods, so I may be more of an exception. Also, no headaches to report
  • I am 41 years old and have used NuvaRing for 2 months. I didn't really notice until this month that I think the Ring is causing many side effects. I have always taken BC pills but the past 1.5 years I have been off completely using condoms which my husband hates but I have never felt better. Since the ring, I have had cystic acne breakouts and I have never had a problem with acne in my entire life. I eat very very healthy and I do extreme cardio workouts 6 days a week along with strength training. I cannot for the life of me drop a pound. I have been able to do this prior since I have lost 80lbs in the past 5 years. I gained 5lbs since taking the ring and cannot drop anything!! I have been moody and my vision seems to be worse. Not sure if that's just me getting older but its very funny how all of this has been happening just since the ring. I am not going to put one back in but I am very concerned because for the past couple days I cannot really find too many "good" posts about the ring. Some people say it doesn't effect them but the ones that do have the same side effects as I do, I cannot find anyone who says they are back to normal on the weight thing. I have come such a long way and really want to there anyone out there who found the weight getting back to normal? If so -- how long?
  • I have taken Nuvaring for 5 years I never noticed any weight gain but I did notice a decrease in a sex drive and dryness like the Sahrah. Never put 2 and 2 together but after reading this thread think some of the headaches I was having might have been due to taking the ring. I quit the ring about a year ago for a few months ( 8 or 9) I did gain weight but I was in a very bad point in life and was eating worse than I ever had and wroking out less too so I CANNOT blame it on the ring. I had to move there was stress, poor diet and lack of exercise. I recently (2 months ago) started the ring again also at the same time have been doing a lot more physical activity and eating a lot better almost all organic, no processed foods, no GMO, no gluten ect,ect, I cant seem to loose weight for anything and am really dry again. So I have decided to come off it again not just to see if it will help with weight loss but also just to have a more natural way of life with no additives of any sort. If anyone want's to know how it went add me or inbox me. Best of luck to you all!
  • kaeganc
    kaeganc Posts: 11 Member
    i have been on the nuvaring for 3 years and i love it! no weight gain, no headaches, no mood swings, no pregnancies (hope i didn't just jinx myself!). just goes to show that everyone is different. if you don't like it, you definitely should discuss other options with your ob/gyn, but bc is not a one type fits all type of thing.

    Same here (2 years). Everyone is different. Its what's best for your body that's important. I personally like that you don't have to remember to take it everyday and some of the pill-form birth controls really screwed with my emotions when I took them. As I said, talk to your doctor and think about what's right for you. =)
  • kaityfenton
    kaityfenton Posts: 1 Member
    Despite all of these comments being super old, all of these replies have been super helpful in my decision to discontinue nuvaring use (I literally just took it out and threw it away lol). Now I understand why all of these things are happening to me (zero sex drive, no natural lubrication at only 24 years old, headaches, crazy mood swings, etc.) I have been on birth control for a total of 10 years, with the ring for the last 7. I always loved it, recommended it to everyone, and thought there were no problems... until I started paying attention. A few months ago I completely missed a period, which has NEVER happened. I knew EXACTLY when my period was supposed to come every month, and it just didn't come. I determined I wasn't pregnant and read that the uterine lining can become so thin, that there is nothing to shed anymore. All of these things are just red flags in my mind and I want to know what life is like without hormonal BC. From age 14 to 24 I haven't known what my normal cycle is and that makes me pretty sad. Thank you all for reassuring me that I'm not crazy, and that my BC might truly be affecting these aspects of my life.