ViSalus- Anybody out there tried it?

I was at an Expo this weekend and picked up some information on ViSalus which I have heard some rumblings about but never tried and I don't know anyone who has tried it either. I don't doubt that it works to lose weight using it I just am not sure if the weight stays off once it's gone.

It interests me because I have been stuck at the same weight since I started MFP last fall and would be convient for me to just do shakes two meals a day instead of cooking. But as a general rule I'm pretty skeptical of that meal replacement stuff.

Just interested in everyone's thoughts.


  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    It works in the sense that it's based off of calorie restriction. If you were to consume the same quantity of calories from balanced sources (or any source really) you would achieve the same weight loss.

    There's nothing any MRP is going to do for you that whole food and a basic stash of supplements cannot do for you. Get yourself a good protein supplement and multi-vitamin and pocket the rest of your cash that you're spending on their advertising and profits.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    What he said...if you haven't lost any in a few months it's your calories, plain and simple. Sis-in-law has hers set at 1,400-1,500 and has lost 17lbs in about 4 months, without MRP just by counting. So take a look at your log and see if there is any way you can cut back. Processed sugars, alcohol, eating out, etc.

    True story: sis-in-law wasn't losing for a while and she couldn't figure it out. All meals looked good, she was staying under, exercising, etc. She did find though that sitting at the computer she would sometimes eat Boston Baked Beans, you know the candy? just a handful. She didn't think much of it, that is, until she turned the bag over and it read "60 calories per serving, 11 per bag" !!!! So she would literally consume an additional 200-300 calories a day just by having that candy around.

    Needless to say, she gave up Boston Baked Beans!!!
  • Nica_bebe
    Nica_bebe Posts: 1

    I just started the 90 days challenge with Visalus. I have been on it for less then 2 weeks and i have already lost 10 pounds!

    I find it alot easier to just make 2 shakes in the morning and take them to work and have a sensible meal and snacking on healthy things throughout the day. Its easier then worrying about what your cooking and what you are using for it like butter or oil. I honestly love this product and it tastes great!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I view it as another Shakeology or Herbalife. In my opinion, you're better off eating real food and losing weight the healthy way.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    It works in the sense that it's based off of calorie restriction. If you were to consume the same quantity of calories from balanced sources (or any source really) you would achieve the same weight loss.

    There's nothing any MRP is going to do for you that whole food and a basic stash of supplements cannot do for you. Get yourself a good protein supplement and multi-vitamin and pocket the rest of your cash that you're spending on their advertising and profits.

  • wandacaven
    wandacaven Posts: 4
    I am starting ViSalus tomorrow. I am very excited about adding protein in my favourite smoothies,or oats. Still being able to eat real food as well as having the extra protein that I seem to miss in my diet, is very encouraging for me. I tried Isagenix, did very well on it, can't afford it now :(. I hope you do well!
  • hina_syed_3
    hina_syed_3 Posts: 29 Member
    good luck for those on it and lots of recipes you can find online to use to help you with your progress to reach your health goal whatever it is.
    I'm on it, and I posted about this in the "Body by vi" thread, please check it there since I do not want people to think I'm promoting it here when I'm not. I'm just in the forums like everyone else, to meet different people and see what the forums are all about since I mainly use to check it from my phone.
    Now just checking it from my laptop and discovering the forum side of it. :)