Do you workout?

do you guys workout on this? or just eat in moderation

does working out speed up your weight loss?


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I work out. Wouldn't say it speeds up my weight loss, but I'm in this for overall health. I don't do intense workouts, but I don't take it easy on myself either.

    It's taken me 1.5 years to lose 20lbs, as reference.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Workout as in exercise?

    Yes, not as much as I should lately. I have a 40 min walk daily and usually hit the gym three times a week.

    For speeding up weight loss not really. I exercise for health not to lose weight.
  • brentrhodes
    brentrhodes Posts: 139
    Workout is a MUST
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I work out. I doesn't speed up weight loss in terms of pounds on the scale but it'll get you smaller faster. You look better when you work out too.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    i dont workout
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Its hard for me to believe people DON'T workout with all of the benefits that working out provides. I haven't even been sick in almost 2 years...
  • imsocorkyy
    Workout should DEFINITELY be done when losing weight. It kickstarts your metabolism and helps you burn more faster - couple that with a great eating plan and you are sure to be dropping off the weight!

    Besides, if you don't workout, how else will your muscles tighten up the loose skin after you've lost weight? You don't want hanging skin!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    5 days a week is my minimum. If I manage to get more then bonus for me.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Absolutely! I love my workouts. I feel better, more energized, stronger and happier.
    Plus I get to eat more :) win/win
  • tchr1ann
    tchr1ann Posts: 11 Member
    I just started the Couch to 5K program; today was Day 1. I was not loving it while I was out on the trail ("when will it be over??!!"), but feel SOOOOOOO good now. I plan to do the C25K in conjunction with the healthier eating... I'm working on making it a lifestyle change vs a diet or weight loss program.
  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 91 Member
    Having done both ways, at least for short time frames (I'm a terrible backslider) I have to say that working out far increases the benefits of any weight loss. Most recently I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis in one of my knees and told to stop the high impact (I used to do Tae Kwon Do) and loose weight.

    At first I tried just nutrition tracking and was successfull (6 lbs in two weeks) but I was tired all the time, my knee hurt just a little all the time and I didn't feel like my health was improving (you know, shortness of breath going upstairs, not feeling ready to roll).

    After giving up for a month or so, (and of course gaining back those 6 lbs plus one or two) I am trying again. This time I am doing hypnosis to help me curb my emotional binge eating (I think it's working) and I am seeing a personal trainer 3 times a week. At two weeks into it I know I am not a long record testimonial, but I really feel the difference. My knee doesn't hurt at all now, even on stairs with groceries in my hands. And I no longer feel like just going to sleep after dinner.

    For me, I think, regular exercise makes all the difference.
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I just started the Couch to 5K program; today was Day 1. I was not loving it while I was out on the trail ("when will it be over??!!"), but feel SOOOOOOO good now. I plan to do the C25K in conjunction with the healthier eating... I'm working on making it a lifestyle change vs a diet or weight loss program.

    I LOVED the couch to 5k program! It really made me see changes in my body/endurance, and it is very achievable. I had to push myself, and it took me a bit longer than the 8 or 9 weeks, but it totally worked. I couldn't run for 3 minutes at first, but now I run 20 - 30 minutes on my easy days. It made me feel much better than just watching what I eat would.
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    Absolutely. Like a lot of other people have said, I'm in this to be healthy, not just lose weight. Plus I've learned that I actually REALLY enjoy working out! The extra energy and food I get to eat is just a bonus :smile:
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I have been walking 2.2 or 4.4 (depending on if i do one lap or two) miles just about every day for the past month and today will be Week 1, Day 3 of the C25K program for me.

    I have a goal weight in mind but more importantly to me is to be an active / fit person and the only way to do that is to work out.
  • nikkiprickett
    nikkiprickett Posts: 412 Member
    Workout is a MUST

    totally agree.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I work out. I doesn't speed up weight loss in terms of pounds on the scale but it'll get you smaller faster. You look better when you work out too.

    I agree completely. I work out very regularly and eat back most of the exercise calories. I had hoped to lose 50 pounds in one year, but I'm happily ahead of that schedule. I will credit exercise for the difference. :love:
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I get it in when I can, but I don't stick to a workout plan or schedule. Being in law school, one week I might have a lot of room for exercise, and the next might be a solid wall of 14-hour days, so I quickly realized that scheduling it was a setup for frustration. I'm happy with the results I see from lifting weights and using my resistance bands while catching a TV break, and I work in a real workout (I love the P90X plyometrics and similar routines) when I have both the time and energy (which isn't often enough!).
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    muscle burns fat. of course you should workout! you'll feel better and look better :) i actually lost 51lbs over this past year without changing my diet a smidgen...just started moving. i work my butt off at the gym...only since i joined MFP have i been looking at my diet. which needs some major improvement, but im getting there slowly :)
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I workout and it does aid in my weight loss. People claim exercise doesn't... but I hit a wall on diet alone. Once I added exercise in, I really started to lose weight. I also lost 17% body fat, 4 sizes, lots of inches, and my fitness levels have increased far more than I could have even imagined. There will come a time that I will start eating more lol, but I'm never gonna stop working out.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I dont workout. I try to walk a couple times a week and play with the kids but no, no working out. I've lost 25 lbs just on diet. But i've noticed it's slowing down now and i need to start some working out.