Not even 1 pound in 4 months!



  • Cris725
    Cris725 Posts: 81
    If you keep doing the same thing you'll get the same results. It isnt rocket science. Something needs to be changed. Try changing your diet and excercise habits and see if that works. Your body is too used to your schedule.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I would suggest (I am no expert) more water - I didn't see any logged. Also, you may want to monitor your sugars & add more protein - You need protein so you can repair your muscles as well as for other good reasons. My issue was/is sugar - cookies, candies, chocolate, etc. since I have cut most of that out I am starting to lose more....I noticed that you went over in fat a few times as well...Put your macros at carbs 40, protein & fat 30 each....Also, like I said before put sugar on your macros & watch that - even if you can't get below the suggested numbers for it at least try to lower it - It looks like you have the same issue as me there. Hope this helps...Best of luck!! Add me if you like & we can try to cut the sugars together! :smile:
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    I am a 31 year old woman. I gained a LOT of weight with my pregnancy two years ago. A lot. Over 80 pounds. I quickly lost about 50 of it soon after my daughter was born. But that stubborn remaining 30 will not come off.

    I work out 4-5 days a week, sometimes more, NEVER less. I typically burn between 400-500 calories a session. I run (well, jog), do the stationary bike and the nautilus machine. I also have a pretty active daily life, chasing after a toddler and living in a city (lots of walking).

    I have been doing this since January 2nd.

    I just started on MFP two weeks age, but have kept a food diary since January and KNOW I was burning enough calories to be losing 1-1.5 lbs a week.

    I am the EXACT same weight I was when I started! Not any fluctuation either way. I am the exact same weight I was when I dropped those 50 lbs after my daughter was born. Exactly 167 (I'm 5'6 and want to be 137, my pre-pregnancy weight). I actually bought a new scale bc I was convined it was malfunctioning.

    I have been to the doctor and had my thyroid tested, and supposedly it is functioning perfectly. Other than that the doctor was no help and couldn't tell me why I wasn't losing weight. I requested a referral to an endocrinologist and she gave it to me, but the appointment is not for another three months.

    I am so frustrated. I feel like I have been working so hard and have really made those life changes you are supposed to, and I have nothing to show for it. I am discouraged! Why am I doing this? For a year I didn't exercise or monitor my diet and I stayed 167. Now, I am busting my butt and am still 167. Why??

    I know the whole muscle weighs more argument, but I find it very unlikely that I would lose the exact amount of fat that I gained in muscle... :)

    Anyone else had this happen or heard of it happening to anyone? Thanks for listening to my vent!

    If I were Jillian Michaels, I would say "Losing weight is a simple mathematical equation. If calories going in is less than the calories going out, you WILL lose weight"

    You may be measuring quantities wrong, or under estimating the calorie content of some things. I know that when I took a few weeks of, I "guessed" the weight of my cereal, and out of curiosity I decided to see if the cereal I was putting in my bowl was actually 25g. It wasn't. It was 90g, approximately 200 calories more than I thought. Also, if you have set your daily needs as living a lightly active light style (e.g. on your feet all day) when in fact you actually sit down for a large part of the day too, this could affect how much you lose too.

    Good luck! I would suggest you start logging, and you WILL lose weight!
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    One thing that was a red flag to me, is even though you've stayed at calories goal most days, you are over on fat A LOT. and going over on fat, is getting too much fat is getting too much fat. Get where I'm going?

    Even if you're within your calorie goal, it doesn't mean too much if your eating fatty foods. Excess fat (and carbs) are stored as such. Fat. If you try to do a little less restaurant/processed food and replace it with some fresh home made things, You'll see a big difference.

    Also it's better for the metabolism to each smaller meals more frequently. It's pretty average for your meals to go to 600-800 and the body has a hard time processing so much at once. If you spread it out, it will make a world of difference. Feel free to peep my diary to see what I mean.

    Good luck!
    AFIMM Posts: 9
    These are all awesome questions! Thank you! If only my doctor spent the time asking me these things...

    I was just eating 1200 either way before. I didn't really think about the "net" calories that MFP tracks. Those first days when I ate 600 calories were when I was adjusting to eating more once I joined MFP. I have since increased my intake.

    I do drink a ton of water, but don't log that. That has never been a problem for me.

    I do my pizza and cheese, cookies etc. But, I try to eat those in extreme moderation and balance them with health fats, fruits, vegetables etc. I know myself and if I say "no" to my favorites I will give up entirely. I think I have been able to make this huge change (for me anyway) bc I have been realistic, or at least tried to be...

    I am not sure if I would be considered a larger frame woman. I am of Irish descent and have those curves, even when I am slender. But, I have never weighed over 140 before being pregnant and I don't feel comfortable at my current weight. My knees hurt and I feel sluggish. So, I have a feeling, that for me, my body is saying "you should be lighter".
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Are you on antidepressants or other types of medication that can slow or stunt weight loss?
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I don't see you eating enough protein or fruits and veggies. You eat a lot of processed foods and carbs. I'm sure if you had your sodium and sugars showing on your food diary that both would be very high-- you should put those on so you can track them.

    Take a look at my diary for cleaner eating. I'm 5'6" or so, and I'm 128 right now. My happy weight is 125, and I never thought I could be smaller than 135 or so!

    I try to drink a gallon of water a day, and I don't drink anything else. I keep my sodium and sugar down. I've actually been having protein bars lately because of different things happening, but I prefer not to have those if possible either.

    You aren't eating like you're trying to lose weight, honestly. But you need to make changes and stick to them as a lifestyle if you want to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

    I agree with this post. Your food choices, with all due respect, are not conducive to someone trying to trim a few pounds. Switch up the dinners with more veggies, salads and lean protein. Less processed food too. Drop the cookies, the frozen yogourt, the burgers, and substitute a piece of fresh fruit, low fat greek yogourt and grilled chicken.

    Losing weight is a challenge, and I applaud you for coming so far. Good luck!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    One thing that was a red flag to me, is even though you've stayed at calories goal most days, you are over on fat A LOT. and going over on fat, is getting too much fat is getting too much fat. Get where I'm going?

    NO, this is flat out wrong. Dietary fat does NOT turn into adipose (body fat)
  • ChristaFall
    ChristaFall Posts: 72 Member
    Too much fat, calories, and carbs..try cutting back your calories and see what happens :-)
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    You can kill yourself with exercise and burn 900 cal. but if you don't eat well and within your goal calories you will not lose weight.

    I was burning 600 to 900 cal a day from August to March and NOT weight loss. April 17 started mfp and did not exceed my calories and lost 6 lbs in 1week.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    Even if you're within your calorie goal, it doesn't mean too much if your eating fatty foods. Excess fat (and carbs) are stored as such. Fat. If you try to do a little less restaurant/processed food and replace it with some fresh home made things, You'll see a big difference.


  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    Too much fat, calories, and carbs..try cutting back your calories and see what happens :-)

  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    One thing that was a red flag to me, is even though you've stayed at calories goal most days, you are over on fat A LOT. and going over on fat, is getting too much fat is getting too much fat. Get where I'm going?

    NO, this is flat out wrong. Dietary fat does NOT turn into adipose (body fat)

  • CarbAvor
    CarbAvor Posts: 45
    I lost JUST over 2 lbs this week since I upped my colories. I try to make sure I am within 100 calories either way and I make an effort to go over on protein since I know I stay fuller, longer. Also Make sure your drinking lots of water, about 8 glasses is standard but there are some who say 50% of your weight = your water intake goal. I am 5'6" and 178.4 lbs. It is consisdered normal and healthy, to have weight flexing throughout a day... thats way they say to weigh your self at the same time of day, EVERY time... I would be frustrated too!! If I think of anything else, I'll post... Keep us updated :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Too much fat, calories, and carbs..try cutting back your calories and see what happens :-)

    OP please do not listen to this poster. This person has chosen a calorie level that is against all medical advice and is eating half of that. Think about your child and how you need to be healthy to be with them.
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    I don't see you eating enough protein or fruits and veggies. You eat a lot of processed foods and carbs. I'm sure if you had your sodium and sugars showing on your food diary that both would be very high-- you should put those on so you can track them.

    Take a look at my diary for cleaner eating. I'm 5'6" or so, and I'm 128 right now. My happy weight is 125, and I never thought I could be smaller than 135 or so!

    I try to drink a gallon of water a day, and I don't drink anything else. I keep my sodium and sugar down. I've actually been having protein bars lately because of different things happening, but I prefer not to have those if possible either.

    You aren't eating like you're trying to lose weight, honestly. But you need to make changes and stick to them as a lifestyle if you want to lose the weight and keep it off for good.

    I agree with this post. Your food choices, with all due respect, are not conducive to someone trying to trim a few pounds. Switch up the dinners with more veggies, salads and lean protein. Less processed food too. Drop the cookies, the frozen yogourt, the burgers, and substitute a piece of fresh fruit, low fat greek yogourt and grilled chicken.

    Losing weight is a challenge, and I applaud you for coming so far. Good luck!

    I have to also agree with this post. Plus watch your sugar and salt. I also saw you sometimes eat a little for one meal and then a whole bunch for the next one. Try spacing it out more and keeping it more even. Keep your body constantly working. It will also get your metabolism back up. But you did great so far and those last 30 lbs will come off. It took me 10 years to loose the rest of the baby weight from my second child. So you are way ahead of that. And good luck :)
    AFIMM Posts: 9
    I looked back at my diary for the last few days. You guys are right, bad stuff the last three days. I have been a bit discouraged since I got those thyroid test result back. Also, the weekends are tough bc my husband, who is scrawny no matter what he eats, is home. Excuses, excuses, I know. But, overall, if you check out the full two weeks of logging, I think I do okay with keeping it in check.

    No, I am not currently taking any medications that would impact my weight.

    The doctor did mention a depleted Vitimin D level.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    OP I just did your BMR and TDEE from this website

    From that your BMR us 1546. BMR is how many calories you need to survive if you were in a coma. You are currently not eating that. If you're very overweight (which you are not, you're not far off getting into the 'normal' scale of BMI, as flawed as that method is) you can eat a couple of hundred under, but the closer you are to your goal weight the closer you need to be to that goal. That is the aboustle minimum you need to be eating.

    Based on the website, for your level of activity you should be eating at 2193. I know that's a lot of calories so maybe even consider 1946 or 1698 (for the record I'm someone who is 226lb and I eat 1698.And am still losing weight regularly) If you choose to use this method (except if you choose sedentary) remember that your exercise has been built in so you shouldn't be eating exercise calories back.

    Have you considered adding a weight routing to your exercise?

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    OP I just did your BMR and TDEE from this website

    From that your BMR us 1546. BMR is how many calories you need to survive if you were in a coma. You are currently not eating that. If you're very overweight (which you are not, you're not far off getting into the 'normal' scale of BMI, as flawed as that method is) you can eat a couple of hundred under, but the closer you are to your goal weight the closer you need to be to that goal. That is the aboustle minimum you need to be eating.

    Based on the website, for your level of activity you should be eating at 2193. I know that's a lot of calories so maybe even consider 1946 or 1698 (for the record I'm someone who is 226lb and I eat 1698.And am still losing weight regularly) If you choose to use this method (except if you choose sedentary) remember that your exercise has been built in so you shouldn't be eating exercise calories back.

    Have you considered adding a weight routing to your exercise?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS! too little protein, and I see almost no fresh fruit and veggies....
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    Be sure you are really doing portion sizes. Buy measuring cups, lliquid and dry for your foods. I'm investing in a food scale for other items.
    More water-less salt. The more salt in you the more water you retain.
    Your body will hoard water if your not drinking enough. Kind of like rationing. If it's not getting enough, it'll save some in fear of not getting enough later.

    CARDIO! I was told not to worry about strength training. It's harder to lose fat when your gaining muscle.. much easier to drop the fat first by walking/running/elipticle. When the fat is gone, then focus on strength.