Should I cut out cheese??



  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I don't get any symptoms, but it just seems as though I shouldn't be eating it.

    Everyone acts as though cheese is the devil of all foods, but I'm not so sure
    Foods high in fat tend to get a bad rap that's largely undeserved. People tend to think fat in food equals fat on your body, but that's not really how it works. If you eat it in reasonable portions and enjoy it, I don't see any reason you should have to give it up. It's entirely up to you though, of course.
    ^^^ this. People look at higher fat foods, which are generally high calorie density, as something to be avoided. Generally those opinions are spouted off as 100% this or 100% that. No talk of moderation or portion control. Yes, you could make up your daily calorie goal out of nothing but cheese, but that would be unhealthy. As long as you're eating a balanced, healthy diet and the cheese or other higher calorie food fits within your calorie goal for the day, you're fine.

    I personally enjoy non-fat milk, non-fat greek yogurt, cheese and eggs on a fairly regular basis....and I've lost over 30 lbs in the last 100 days doing so!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    CHEESE IS GREAT! I eat some sort of cheese all the time. Im not a big dairy person so this and yogurt are the only ways I get it... have some almost everyday. and doesnt bother me
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,004 Member
    I would as soon cut out breathing! Cheese is my kind of FAST FOOD!