nutrient percentages

How do I determine what percentages of nutrients I should try to stick to? My trainer just tells me higher protein than carbs and gave me his food logs as examples. He is a bodybuilder who is doing shows so of course he eats super clean! I cannot live THAT strict! LOL!! I just want ideas of how to know how to figure out my percentages of protein/carbs/fat. And if anyone wants to be friends...I'm newer here and would love the support!


  • gretchenwb
    gretchenwb Posts: 70 Member
    If you go to search on this site and type in excel spreadsheet for calculating BMR-TDEE you will see the link for a really neat sheet which I used to refine my goals for calories, etc. It will give you a breakdown of carbs, proteins and fats!:smile:
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member
    How do I determine what percentages of nutrients I should try to stick to? My trainer just tells me higher protein than carbs and gave me his food logs as examples. He is a bodybuilder who is doing shows so of course he eats super clean! I cannot live THAT strict! LOL!! I just want ideas of how to know how to figure out my percentages of protein/carbs/fat. And if anyone wants to be friends...I'm newer here and would love the support!

    Paleo lovers go 10-20 carb, 40-50 fat, 30-40 protein

    Paleo Athletes 40 carb, 30 protein, 30 fat

    I go 25 carb, 45 fat, 30 protein
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Right now I have it at 45/35/20 (Carb/prot/fat) but I have been doing more of a 40/40/20. I like the 40/40/20 because it is in the second phase of p90x and more doable IMO.
  • Royaltvii
    Royaltvii Posts: 160 Member
    I am not sure where I got this from, been on so many diets but I try to do 40protein/30 fat/ 30 carbs it works for me.