Quick breakfast ideas.



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Hey Piny,
    Whatever you do, do NOT listen to rachmaree. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is what gives you your energy throughout the day. If you are ever going to skip a meal for whatever reason, DON'T skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism. Your body needs fuel like carbs and protein. Believe it or not skipping breakfast on a regular basis can actually make you gain weight over time because your body goes into whats called starvation mode and you will end up being more hungry later in the day. Try some instant oatmeal which only takes a few minutes to boil some water and a banana with it as well for something quick. This should tie you over till lunch.


    Doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long as you hit your calorie goal. Also, if you are eating a calorie deficit, it's impossible to gain weight.

    I LOVE Kashi Trail Mix bars for breakfast. Nuts, oats and berries with a honey coating for only 140 calories. It's my go to treat for breakfast.
  • oilphins
    oilphins Posts: 240 Member
    Hey Piny,
    Whatever you do, do NOT listen to rachmaree. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is what gives you your energy throughout the day. If you are ever going to skip a meal for whatever reason, DON'T skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism. Your body needs fuel like carbs and protein. Believe it or not skipping breakfast on a regular basis can actually make you gain weight over time because your body goes into whats called starvation mode and you will end up being more hungry later in the day. Try some instant oatmeal which only takes a few minutes to boil some water and a banana with it as well for something quick. This should tie you over till lunch.


    Doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long as you hit your calorie goal. Also, if you are eating a calorie deficit, it's impossible to gain weight.

    I LOVE Kashi Trail Mix bars for breakfast. Nuts, oats and berries with a honey coating for only 140 calories. It's my go to treat for breakfast.
  • oilphins
    oilphins Posts: 240 Member
    Hey Piny,
    Whatever you do, do NOT listen to rachmaree. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is what gives you your energy throughout the day. If you are ever going to skip a meal for whatever reason, DON'T skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast can actually slow down your metabolism. Your body needs fuel like carbs and protein. Believe it or not skipping breakfast on a regular basis can actually make you gain weight over time because your body goes into whats called starvation mode and you will end up being more hungry later in the day. Try some instant oatmeal which only takes a few minutes to boil some water and a banana with it as well for something quick. This should tie you over till lunch.


    Doesn't matter what time of day you eat, as long as you hit your calorie goal. Also, if you are eating a calorie deficit, it's impossible to gain weight.

    I LOVE Kashi Trail Mix bars for breakfast. Nuts, oats and berries with a honey coating for only 140 calories. It's my go to treat for breakfast.

    Actually racheal you are wrong. It'a proven fact that when you skip breakfast, you crave higher calorie foods later in the day and end up snacking more. That's why you can gain weight by skipping breakfast, not because your just not eating. I should have been more specific earlier. Check out webmd.com piny and that will explain everything to you.
  • sarah_7626
    sarah_7626 Posts: 31 Member
    I LOVE breakfast! When I don't have much time I do cereal with a sliced up banana on top. I usually have frosted mini wheats. They're not very low calorie but they're super yummy and keep me full for a really long time. If I have a little more time I like to throw some low calorie strawberry yogurt in a blender with a banana, ice & skim milk. Yum! I also like any type of fruit in the morning. Apple or banana with peanut butter on it is good. Peanut butter has protein. Yogurt is good in the morning too. Skim milk is always a staple. Chocolate milk, too. If I have more time I like to cook things such as eggs with stuff in them. Sorry if this was way longer of a response than you were looking for but breakfast is very important & very delicious! :) Good luck!
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    If I'm in a rush, a banana and some dry cereal...
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I make these low carb spinach and shrimp quiches... cut into 4 servings @ 178 cal per serving and freeze. I take out a packet once a week or so and have a nice, non-sweet breakfast. I'm not much on sweets in the mornings sometimes. I use a low carb wheat tortilla as my 'crust' and mostly liquid egg whites along with chopped boiled shrimp and fresh spinach, diced red & green bell pepper, diced white onion and a sprinkle of paprika on top for color.

    I also like overnight oats (I use McCann's irish oatmeal) with peanut-free soybutter (we're a peanut free household due to allergies), chocolate protein powder and a dash of agave nectar. Then I dip very thinly sliced apples in it.
  • cbarns
    cbarns Posts: 19
    Multi-vitamin, Greek yogurt and quaker oats combo, glass of water.
  • CaroSeraMince
    While it is perhaps /technically/ true that as long as you're at your calorie limit you don't "need" to eat breakfast, it isn't advisable because the likelihood that you'll make poor choices or gorge because you're really hungry at high.

    On the weekends when I sleep in, I've found I'm not as hungry right away because I just putz around the house. Sit at the computer for awhile, etc. But during the week, if I'm late eating my breakfast I'm ravenous and have to be very careful not to make poor choices.

    I actually sometimes microwave eggs. It's quick and surprisingly good. I'll put two eggs in a deep bowl, beat them, microwave for a minute and top with some cheese and salsa.

    Keep fruit around that you can grab, but I really like the idea one of the posters above had to make a frittata in a 9x13 and cut pieces as needed. That's genius!
  • kannasmiles
    So a few people have been arguing about whether breakfast is actually important or not. When I was young, my mom explained it to me like this. If you start your day without breakfast, your body doesn't have energy to start working with. And the next time you eat, your body doesnt know when youre gonna eat again so it immediately stores it as fat in case food doesnt come by for a long time. It probably sounds over simplified without words like calories and metabolism but I think it makes sense. And how can you not be hungry in the morning?? You haven't eaten for at least six hours while you were sleeping. Plus theres no harm in grabbing a milkshake in the morming, they taste good too :)
  • Mmmporkrinds
    In weekends a simple omelette is my favourite - quick, and I've always got eggs in the house. If I have some fresh herbs they go in too. Actually I sometimes poach eggs in the microwave at work too and have those on toast. I crack the egg into a mug (thinner mugs seem to work better), add a tablespoon or so of water, pierce the yolk with a toothpick or prong of a fork, then cook it for 20 seconds at a time til done (each microwave is a bit different). Then just have with toast.