
It seems that everytime I try to eat 'healthy', I always end up starving! I just made a pizza quesadilla, had a yogurt, and a small bag of chips but my stomach is still growling. A few weeks ago when I was eating "healthy" I was starving literally every like 2-3 hours. I upped my calories as a result but still having the same problem. Any suggestions?? My food diary is open by the way.

Thanks :)


  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Are you drinking lots of water?
    I was told that you should always drink a glass of water before each meal because it could just be that your dehydrated

    I just viewed your diary, try drinking over 10 glasses a day
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    hard to believe but THAT'S A GOOD THING! You are speeding up your metabolism and eating how you are SUPPOSE to...every 2-3hrs which means your body is always burning . Just make sure that you are eating actual healthy foods because you dont want to be eating all the time but not eating the right things for your body
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I always preface my responses to these questions by saying I am no expert, so disclaimer aside, I find that I have to keep tweaking my macros.

    Some meals (breakfast) I find I really need a carb in there to feel full. I am also trying to eat more often, so rather than barely eat during the first part of the day I am snacking in between breakfast and lunch (usually 100 cals or less, and the same carb, protein kind of balance).

    Keep testing different approaches out, and eventually you will find one that works best for you.
  • If I'm feeling snacky, I drink a glass of water. If I'm actually still hungry, I'll have a salad. I had a huge salad for like 50 calories the other day (no dressing though) and I was FULL afterwards. I'll also have a glass of skim milk or a glass of v8 for pretty filling "snack drinks"
  • sophie428
    sophie428 Posts: 27
    I took a quick look at your diary. I would suggest swapping out some of your higher fat proteins for lower fat ones. I noticed things like pepperoni and ground beef in some of your entries. If you swapped those out for chicken, turkey and seafood alternatives, your calories would stretch a lot further and you would be able to eat more.
  • Orla66
    Orla66 Posts: 4 Member
    I've glanced at your food diary and I think you're eating too many sugary carbs and not enough lean proteins. Cheese is not a lean protein btw. Eat more chicken and fish. It looks like you eat take out and convenience foods, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but you need to know what fills you up for longer and what gives you a sugary high and then leaves you feeling empty. Good chunky vegetable soups, with beans if you like, are excellent for lunch. Try to relieve yourself of bread and instead find your carbs in starchy vegetables. If you can, try an oat-based breakfast - oat bran mixed with yogurt along with fresh fruit, or porridge, again with fruit are very good options and will keep you feeling full. Don't forget to drink lots of water. Best of luck.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    When you're in a deficit, you're going to get hungry. I get hungry, too. I do find protein more satiating...carbs make me hungry. We're all different, some doing better with more carbs and some with more protein. A snack like hummus deviled eggs (4 halves, egg yokes mixed with a couple of tablespoons of your favorite hummus) make a pretty filling snack. I think baked chips are completely unsatisfying and a waste of calories. That's me...I might have had twice the yogurt, and go with full fat or 2% yogurt, not nonfat.

    Also, you can eat a ton of roasted veggies to help fill you up. I eat about 2 cups of a variety of oven roasted veggies with my lunch. Helps a lot.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 123 Member
    I've glanced at your food diary and I think you're eating too many sugary carbs and not enough lean proteins. Cheese is not a lean protein btw. Eat more chicken and fish. It looks like you eat take out and convenience foods, and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but you need to know what fills you up for longer and what gives you a sugary high and then leaves you feeling empty. Good chunky vegetable soups, with beans if you like, are excellent for lunch. Try to relieve yourself of bread and instead find your carbs in starchy vegetables. If you can, try an oat-based breakfast - oat bran mixed with yogurt along with fresh fruit, or porridge, again with fruit are very good options and will keep you feeling full. Don't forget to drink lots of water. Best of luck.

    I definitely have a problem with buying takeout and my goal for this week is eat a home cooked meal...lot's of chicken and veggies in my meal plan. I will definitely try some of your suggestions.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 123 Member
    Are you drinking lots of water?
    I was told that you should always drink a glass of water before each meal because it could just be that your dehydrated

    I just viewed your diary, try drinking over 10 glasses a day

    I haven't had any water yet today :embarassed: I'll try that
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I'm sorry, but that meal you described in the op is not at all healthy. Cheese is almost always empty calories. If you eat carbs, which I def do so I'm not advocating not eating them, pick ones with fiber. Protein and fiber are your best friends. I dare you to eat this and still be hungry:
    1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese
    1/2 cup skim milk
    Protein powder
    Psyllium husk power (pretty much pure fiber)


    Somewhere south of 300 cals, 40g protein, 7ish fiber
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 123 Member
    The quesadilla was made with a low carb whole wheat tortilla if that helps the situation any...
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    The quesadilla was made with a low carb whole wheat tortilla if that helps the situation any...

    I was exaggerating a little. Yogurt is healthy if you get one that doesn't have much sugar and depending on how you make the quesadilla it can be not bad, but chips and cheese are wasted calories. I waste calories all the time, but when I do, I go into it knowing I'll be hungry or over. It also depends on you. Some people don't feel full off carbs and some people do. Some people like many small meals, some like fewer heftier ones. Fresh veggies are low cal and add bulk to your food. I ate a whole pound of baby carrots once. Utterly stuffed off of like 150 cal. If you can't give up indulgences, have them with a lot of green and it will help fill you up. I used to hate salads, now I live them because I put as much spinach as I can fit on a plate, some lean protein, usually some feta or dressing and fruit and it will fill me up for under 200 cal. Experiment and find what fills you up. Lean protein, fiber, veggies should be the main players and everything else is just aimed towards making those yummy
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    You don't have to eat meat and eggs all the time...Beans and chickpeas are a very good source of protein...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    MOAR protein. And also, probably MOAR food in general.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Increase your fiber. 20 to 30 grams a day. It will help you stay fuller longer.
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    More protein.

    And cheese is not empty calories.
  • Try eating more fiber with your diet. I noticed you are not always getting the recommended amount everyday. I found that eating a string cheese and an apple helps keep me full between meals and it is a good combination of fiber, protein and something sweet (which keeps me from snacking at the vending machine later) plus both of those fit in your purse easily and can be eaten on the run. To mix it up a bit, berries and cottage cheese is good, peanut butter (or any kind of nut butter) and some whole grain crackers, hummus and veggies, or even a handful of dried fruit and nuts.

    All of these are full of nurtients and are not just empty calories like the doritos you ate. Just remember that a small meal can help tide you over until dinner, it is not a meal replacement so try to keep them around 200 calories or less.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will be drinking a ton of water and adding more veggies to my meals. Hopefully I'll see some changes soon!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    It looks like your non healthy meals are loaded with calories, while your healthy meals are drastically lower. Thats probably why you're still hungry. You eat a lot of excess sugar, refined carbs and processed food in both your snacks and your meals. These things can actually become addictive for some people and you wont feel satisfied without them... thats how it used to be for me anyway. Work on REALLY limiting those in your diet.

    When you eat a healthy meal, make sure you add healthy fat. It keeps you satsified. Eat butter, NOT margarine which does nothing good for your body. Use olive oil, coconut oil, etc. This will help increase your level of satisfaction. Eat lots more protein.

    You may have to get in the habit of preparing your meals in advance to save on time. Add me if you want to see my diary. I am NEVER hungry and 90% of my meals consist of "health food", aka real food :) Since thats the case, if I actually do get hungry or need a snack, I never worry about it and I eat it. But the way I eat normally leaves me 100% satisfied after every single meal.

    Also, I dont do "breakfast/lunch/dinner" I eat upon waking and then every few hours after that. When I try to stick to a traditional meal "schedule" I find myself hungrier and wanting junk more often.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Add in more protein and a lot of veggies. Up the water intake as well. :)