Men 6'5", What's Your Goal Weight?

For the other tall guys out there, what is your goal weight? Also, how many calories a day are you eating to get you to your goal?

I'm thinking 200 lbs is a good goal. To get there I'm starving myself at 1,730 calories a day (which mfp insists is okay).


  • No other very tall guys on here? I kinda figured as much. But hey, it was worth a shot.
  • BigMike915
    BigMike915 Posts: 112 Member
    I am 6'7. When I started losing weight I had originally thought 250 would be my goal. I now weigh 259 and am no where near my goal. I have made huge gains though but still have a long ways to go. I would actually be happy at this weight as long as my bf% drops to what I want.
  • Rick_SH
    Rick_SH Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 6'4" and my goal weight is 210. But the doc said he wants me at 200. we'll see how 210 goes first..
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I'm interested to see the responses here; my boyfriend is 6'5" or 6'6" (hard to tell, he's gained at least an inch and a half since working to fix his sciatica) and is having a really hard time figuring out what to aim for and is trying to just drop 10 pounds at a time at this point. He's also has a very muscle-heavy build; does anyone in this category think they're going to be substantially heavier for the same reason?
  • BigMike915
    BigMike915 Posts: 112 Member
    Forgot to add I am eating 2700 calories a day on a ketogenic diet. Since I started a little over a year ago I have played with many different calorie numbers. It is all trial and error until you find what works best for you. There is no need to starve yourself either. Up your calories and eat that number for three Weeks, if the scale doesn't move or go down then slightly decrease them for another three Weeks and keep repeating till you find what works.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i'm 6'3", and my goal weight was 200lbs. my starting weight was 255lbs. and i was really set on getting to 200lbs, but then i realized i was just so tired and hungry all the time, and i had absolutly no muscle definition. if i were to get to 200lbs, i would look emaciated.

    so i started lifting more, and readjusted my goals. i've been at 218 lbs since beginning of december, but my body fat percentage has dropped significantly.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    6'3 here and goal is 220ish at 5%... looooong term goal haha
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    6'2 here, so not exactly very tall.

    I have a pretty heavy build as it is from weight lifting young and playing rugby. I've set my initial goal as 280, coming down from 436 at my heavest last year. I'm at 398 right now.

    Once I hit 280 I'll adjust from there.

    I'm eating about 2-2300 kcal a day, though this week I am playing with 680 for sh*ts and giggles.
  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    If you measure your weight by you BMI the a man 6'5" would range between 152 lbs and 211 lbs. I know that sounds extremely low. Here is my calculation for BMI:

    weight x 703 / height in inches / height in inches

    152 x 703 / 77 / 77 = 18 low range for healthy BMI
    211 x 703 / 77 / 77 = 25 upper range for healthy BMI
  • lanney220
    lanney220 Posts: 2 Member
    My boyfriend is 6'3" (which I know is a lot shorter) and he has lost about 30 lbs. He is sitting at 230 right now, and he could easily lost 20 more. He doesn't have much muscle definition, though. I guess it would depend on how you want your body to look. Are you building muscle, or just losing fat? I think 200 might be a little low
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    your goals are your goal.. your weight is what you think you would be happy at.. me personally when i get under 285 i get pissy. but the next guy might want to be 200. I always say find a weight that you feel the best at and stick there..
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    I am about 6 ft 4 in and at 2500 a day and losing weight.

    How many pounds a week are you trying to lose?
    1750 sounds low to me for caloric intake.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    My boyfriend is 6'3" (which I know is a lot shorter) and he has lost about 30 lbs. He is sitting at 230 right now, and he could easily lost 20 more. He doesn't have much muscle definition, though. I guess it would depend on how you want your body to look. Are you building muscle, or just losing fat? I think 200 might be a little low

    Make him eat slightly above maintenance, start doing squats, deadlifts, bench press etc (other good compound lifts, look up Starting Strength, good book).

    Many rapes will be committed by you as he progresses.
  • I'm 6'5" and my goal is 240. That may sound high but muscle weighs more than fat. I recently did a full on bmi, muscle weight, fat % exam, which showed I have 193lbs of muscle on me. So my ideal weight would be around 240. Right now I'm 309 and juicing (actual juice, not roids).
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    6'5' 275 i feel like i just be a solid beast, but maybe im thinking 260 sinc im barely seeing results i want now that im 365 =/