Middle aged wannabee athlete looking for friends.

PJudt Posts: 13 Member
Hello everyone,

I've always excercised and even finished a couple of rounds of P90X several years ago. Although I've been exercising fairly routinely, I'm now wanting to push it to the limit. I'd like to sign up for a my first semi competitive race. I was thinking a 5K or 10K and possibly even a sprint triathlon. Although I've done pretty well for my self, I've never competed in track type events before so I'm a bit nervous about it.
In any event, I'm doing some form of cardio (usually insanity) in the morning before work. I'm taking a moderate jog (6-7 mph for 3 miles) during lunch. In the evening I'm doing P90X classic. On the weekends in addition to the P90X schedule or a run, I try to get in 20 to 40 miles of bicycling.
I'd really like to be friends with anyone else that plans on doing something competitive both beginners and experts alike. Perhaps we can motivate each other, talk about progress, nervousness, performance, training regimen, etc.
Let me know if you're interested. Thx!