AuntMeredith is an unhappy camper...



  • AuntMeredith
    Don't have a family. Have a parrot, who will outlive me under any circumstances, and he has so many "godparents" that he won't miss me at all!
  • AuntMeredith
    Had to find new doctor when I moved from one state to another. Did not go for diet meds. Only brought that up when doc insisted I lose weight, because the last time I tried to lose weight and had the help of the meds TO START, it worked and I started losing and then was able to keep losing WITHOUT the meds.

    Yes, I am angry.
  • AuntMeredith
    Yes, I understand that people are trying to help.

    Yes, I understand that the doc (who is skinny) thinks she is tryng to help.

    What you guys are not getting is that I am not an "inactive" person who never moves. I am not a person who has screwed up my metabolism by taking all kinds of diet pills.

    I took phentermine ONE TIME IN MY LIFE, under the care of a physician, and it helped me get STARTED losing. Once the process got started, I was motivated to keep on going ON MY OWN.
  • AuntMeredith
    We are all slowly killing ourselves just by living! :laugh: :laugh:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I totally understand you. I HATE doing stuff just because "it's good for me". And I really appreciate my doctor who only gives advice when asked. He went for a sabbatical a few years ago and his locum was trying to give me the run-around. Fortunately I only need to see him once a year for my physical, so the next time I had to go my old doc was back.

    I was lucky to find a neighbourhood club where I've been learning karate for the last 4 years. It's social, and I hope anyone who tries to snatch my purse will be in for a nasty surprise. :happy: It keeps my interest because I'm constantly learning new stuff and am always trying to improve my form etc.

    Is there any way you could walk or bike to the store to get your groceries? Or walk with a friend? Are there dogs in your neighbourhood who are dying for a walk? All of those can make walking more enjoyable because then there's a purpose..

    I guess the point is, use your creativity to find something you like. Do it for yourself, not the doctor. Good luck; I hope you'll stick around!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    No one is saying you are inactive. We are just trying to help you out with some suggestions on finding an activity that will help you burn calories and you get to do the things you love to do. There have been a lot of good ideas like getting a book on CD and listening to that while walking. I find that walking helps to clear my mind because I get a chance to think about things and sort things out.

    Your motivation should come from within and not from a pill. You can do it. Believe in yourself.

    Why are you so angry? There is no reason to be. The doctor was trying trying to help. Did you think that your thin doctor may have food issues of her own and is giving you the knowledge she has gained over the years? Don't be so harsh with your doctor. She wants to see you live a long life. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who want what is best for you. Only you can guide yourself in the right direction.

    Good luck and try to let good of some the anger. I find it can be a wasteful emotion. Plus it adds stress to your life while can inhibit weight loss.

    Good luck.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am not a person who has screwed up my metabolism by taking all kinds of diet pills.

    Undereating will screw up your metabolism. You don't need more exercise; you need more calories in your diet.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Anger however is understandable - this is a change, and every change goes through stages similar to the grieving process. You hope to gain something, but you also have to give something up. Could be certain foods, or time rather spent on other things, or even one's self-image. Everybody has to work through this, and I'm sure AuntMeredith will too. She sounds like a creative person with lots of interests and ideas. It's just a little rough right now.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Ask any child if they like vaccinations, then ask them if they want Polio, or whopping cough. you will get a blank stare. I have used phentermine in the past, it works great, till you gain it all back from a sedentary life style. I think the negative results you are seeing is your body developing muscle! it is heavier than fat, so as you burn your fat stores, your body is creating muscle. Muscle burns fat and calories. It will work, give it time, you will be healthier for it.

    Do not feel alone, I hate saying no to the Dessert tray after a lovely dinner, But I know I have to to win! I just do not want to spend the end of my life sitting in a wheel chair unable to move because I slowly but surely gained a couple of hundred pounds hating exercise! Our bodies were made to move and burn calories, that is what they have to do! We are all here for you, vent daily! But none of us will pat you on the head and lie to you either. It is just like those vaccinations kids get, you just gotta do it!

    Blessings on your journey, may you get healthier every day!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Are there possible hazzards to using this weight loss medication? If so, it might be why the doc won't give you an Rx for it. Or she could just be a witch, who thinks if you don't try to kill yourself losing weight, than your not worth her time. I think skinny people who don't have to fight to keep their figures, don't really understand. They stand there and wonder why we don't just lose weight already!

    Switch to another doctor if it helps. If you have insurance that lets you pick your doc, find someone more understanding, and who takes your likes and dislikes into account.

    She can't force you to diet and exercise but even though you hate it, its still good for us.

    I hate it too, but there is a lovely beach across the street from me, and I am trying to take more walks. I still don't like it, but I can't use meds, (lot of allergies) so I have to do it the hard way.
  • AuntMeredith
    Goal 1: reduce diastolic BP to 80 or less (done :happy: )
    Goal 2: break 200 lb (:noway:)
  • AuntMeredith
    testing my ticker

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    You sound like you have the mindset that you're determined to hate it. You will, if that's how you think of it.

    Try a ten minute walk, and all the while tell yourself you like it and you're enjoying it. Maybe that won't make it seem so bad. Don't focus on how much you hate it. When I'm taking a spin class and I'm about to die and I start thinking "I hate this, this stinks!" I change my mindset and think "The rest of my life is worth this bit of effort!"
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Goal 1: reduce diastolic BP to 80 or less (done :happy: )
    Goal 2: break 200 lb (:noway:)

    Way to go, Aunt Meredith!!! I'm very happy :bigsmile: that your diastolic is down!!! And it doesn't look like you have too terribly far to go to get to Goal #2!

    Cheers to you! :drinker:
  • AuntMeredith
    Thanks, Deborah!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Very Good. You sound like you are better with all of this. I really hope so. I have been in the medical field for years and any good doctor will not prescribe phentermine. You don't need it and you just proved it. Good Job.

    I know how frustrating it is to work out and not lose weight. I started working out with a trainer 3 weeks ago and I am obsessed with weighing whether it is that time of the month or if I feel bloated. I get so upset that my husband picked the scale up. He keeps telling me how I am losing weight and I'm like yeah right. Well when I walked into the gym this morning my trainer asked me how my clothes were fitting and they are fitting loose. She was like I can tell you are losing and I said I don't know where and she said let me guess you have been getting on the scale. She told me DO NOT rely just on the scale that I am losing inches and she is turning fat into muscle. I have always hates any kind of exercising now I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have you thought about maybe getting a WII game system? That would be great for you