
Well... I'm a 28 yr old nurse and farmer's wife. Since my husband and I have been married (3 1/2 yrs), I've gained 60 lbs! He is the most loving, supportive, BEST husband in the world... but I don't feel like "me" anymore. We have been trying to get pregnant for the last year and a half, unsuccessfully. My husband's been tested and he's fine. I've been tested and my issues have been resolved, but we're still not getting pregnant. I've heard so many stories of people with infertility issues losing weight and able to become pregnant after losing weight/ getting healthy. Whether we get pregnant or not related to weight loss, I know I am not healthy at this time. I'm 5'6 and 252 lbs. I've always been a little chunky, but never like this! I've tried the low carb thing and failed... miserably. I really believe this calorie counting will help. I spent the weekend eating like I normally do to see how much my normal calorie intake would be. I couldn't believe it... 3000-4000 cal/day! I'm so disappointed in myself. So... this new program starts in the morning. My husband has already started helping by looking up food substitutes and trying out new low cal soft drinks (because I HATE the taste of diet drinks). Support from folks who know what it's like to be me and who have already gone through this, though, would be more than helpful... I'm sure. Thank you in advance!


  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Welcome! You'll do well here, this place is full of supportive people who have good suggestions to offer. Our beginning stats are similar, although i'm an inch shorter and was 2# heavier to begin, and I'm more than twice your age! I've lost over 40# in 6 months! It should be way easier for you!

    Farm living is also an advantage, since it affords so many opportunities for activity (read: calorie burning & toning!). Even if you aren't doing a lot of the "work", simply having space and outdoors available creates endless workout options. Good luck with your weight loss and goal of starting a family! Add me if you want.
  • Lisammy
    Lisammy Posts: 35
    This MFP site is very helpful! I love it!! It really keeps everything in focus and you are always aware of what you eat. Being accountable helps a lot. I had no clue how many calories I was mindlessly eating until I used this website. Both my husband and myself use MFP. He's lost over 35 lbs. so far and still losing. Diets have never worked for us. They were a quick fix, and the weight came back. We look at using the MFP as more of a lifestyle change. You really have to retrain your brain, and make healthy choices most of the time. We eat everything in moderation, and I'm always thinking of ways to change recipes to make them healthier. Two good wesbites are and ....Best of luck to you on your weightloss/ being healthy journey :bigsmile:

    I understand how difficult infertility can took us 12 years to conceive our daughter, and we had to use IVF. She's our little miracle :wink: It's very stressful dealing with infertility, a rollercoaster~~~I pray that you have success! Stay strong! Feel free to add me if you like. Lisa
  • LindaLou252
    LindaLou252 Posts: 106
    Thank you both so much! It's really nice to know that other people have accomplished their goals through this program. I love farm living, and you're right. There are endless physical fitness opportunites available on the farm. Other than being chased by a bull, once, I haven't taken full advantage of them. :smile: I plan to now, though. Just walking around the farm would be great exercise with God's natural scenery. Though, I usually use a 4-wheeler. I've been browsing the website and can't wait to try out some of these new recipes!

    As far as infertility goes... so many women suffer in silence. It's such a "hush-hush" topic. I never knew so many women struggled with it until my husband and I realized we were going to have problems and started talking about it with friends and family. I'm so happy for you and your husband, Lisa. You're daughter looks beautiful! Honestly, I'm hoping my focus on creating this new healthy lifestyle will take some of that stress off my mind...