For those at their goal~ Realistic success time help.

I'm excited. I have set my weight loss goal rewards.
At my next 7 lbs,
then at the next 7
then the final 5-8 depending on body index/mass. =GOAL!
**** TO MY WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS FRIENDS,***** how long would you guess, with very hard work. (keeping under calorie. eating my goal calories of 1650 and half my earned calories back) with very hard work/dedication. 30-45 minutes 6 days a week of cardio-stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical AND 30 minutes 5 days a week of Jillians 6 week sculpt DVD... (I am 5'6) how long realistically do you think this weight loss and transformation will take? I am dedicated! As much input, from as many of you that want to weigh in (weigh thats funny) with your opinion I would be greatful. Thanks. :-)


  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    depending what your starting weight is and what you're eating and if you stick with it, probably a month or two.

    I lost 6 pounds in 2 and a half weeks and I don't even restrict that much, just try to eat healthy and count calories. I also exercise 4-6 days a week.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    It doesn't appear that you have a lot to drop, so it will take time...The smaller you are the harder it is. Make sure you change up your routine or you body will get used to it and wont change anything. You have to change things up for muscle/body confusion. It will keep your body guessing. Also, don't W.O. on no energy. If you are feeling kinda blah and dont have the energy to do it, better off not doing it, you wont get the response you're looking for from your body. Make sure you are eating well before and after a workout and give yourself time to rest and STRETCH!!! very important! Best of luck and remember, you're into vanity weight at the point. You don't have a lot to go. Remember, you BMI and such is just numbers. The scale too, its just a number... your clothes and your body will tell you how you're doin.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    depends. how much have you lost so far and what is your current weight? with your very active routine plan, i would guess a couple months between each stage. my first 10 pounds fell off in about a month, then it took 11 months to lose the rest (15 pounds). it was a very slow but steady loss. i was doing 20-30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, but nothing else. strength training helps speed things up in terms of fat burning (wish i had been convinced of that earlier), so you would almost certainly lose at a much faster rate. good luck!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    My opinion is that one should focus on the process and the journey of the present, glancing every now and then at the destination to see if it is closer or farther away. Then, when you realize you have arrived, make a new plan that keeps you where you are or one that will take you to your new destination.
  • cowgirlzride
    I appreciate the in put thus far. Thank you. I have always been fit, healthy, athletic. and on the thin side. I have been suffereing through the recovery of my brothers suicide. Which then also led to a move and change in lifestyle. I put on a solid 15-18 lbs. I have lost 4-6. My goal weight at 5'6 is about 125-127 or so. I have never had this much trouble getting weight off. I had cut my caloreis I think to much the first few months I have been on here (feb 12) and started some recovery for my health and spirit. I had been at the 1200 set calories. I was weak, weight loss stopped and I had a low grade headache most often. I moved up to 2000 calories about 10 days ago after checking The Mayo Clinic caloried calculator. After about a week at 2000, I felt great and had major motivation. No more headaches either. About 4 days ago I dropped calories to 1650 and I think that is a good number for me to stay at. I still feel good and motivated. Now that I have that in check I am ready to really work and I would like to be at least at the half way mark to my goal by mid June. I do understand it is not truly the numbers on the scale. Those are a variable depending on muscle. I just know my fitness level in the past crossed with the scale and that is around my comfort zone. TThank you again.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    depends. how much have you lost so far and what is your current weight? with your very active routine plan, i would guess a couple months between each stage. my first 10 pounds fell off in about a month, then it took 11 months to lose the rest (15 pounds). it was a very slow but steady loss. i was doing 20-30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, but nothing else. strength training helps speed things up in terms of fat burning (wish i had been convinced of that earlier), so you would almost certainly lose at a much faster rate. good luck!

    I wish more people could be convinced of the benefits of strength training over cardio.. The brutal 6 day workouts,.and multiple workouts a day are completely unnecessary :(.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I don't have any input about your weight loss, because I'm not a success story yet, but I am so sorry to hear about your Brother :(
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    And are you seriously 52 ???? You look AMAZING!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I think as a rule of thumb, 0.5% body weight in fat loss/week is attainable for anyone with a good diet/exercise regimen. E.g. if you weigh 150, you should be able to lose around 3/4 lb/week. I think 1% is doable with a very good regimen until you hit the lower range of healthy body fat (<10% for men, probably <18% for women), and then it starts to slow down a bit.

    This is based off random anecdotal evidence, so take it as you will :)