My Birthday Challenge

Hi everyone..
I've never posted on the fitness and exercise board! I'm new here!
I done myself a great favor today, and got out and walked! I did almost 2 miles in an hour. For me that is probably awesome. I'm 368 lbs, and I haven't worked out in 5 years probably. I always see challenges and stuff, and I thought I am going to do that!
My birthday is in November.. I'm turning 29! Whoa! Anyways, I want to be below 200 lbs before my 30th birthday,or as close to 200 as possible. I would really like to lose about 60 lbs between now and my 29th birthday which is around 10lbs a month. Then from there figure out how close to 200 I can get before my next birthday!! So any advice, motivation, and support would be great :)


  • Caro1991
    Caro1991 Posts: 97
    Its very possible if you commit to it :) you can do this and congrats on your walking, I havents been able to workout and cant walk much(have a tear in my knee for.5yrs now). So to me to be able to even finish 2mile will be amazing, I couldnt even do one when I had to turn right back around(that was a couple of months ago) so starting tomorow am going to start walking. My goal is to be at my goal weight by Halloween. Sorry am not much help with advice other than keep strong and know that your doing this for your self, I can be here for motivation and support.
  • SuCcERBuNcH
    SuCcERBuNcH Posts: 68 Member
    you know go into challenges you can find it here alot am in one right now :drinker:
    and you know just keep telling your self this
    ((I Never said it was going to be easy... I said it was going to be worth it)) or :devil:
    "The only thing standing between you and your goals is the bull$h!t story you tell yourself as to why you can't achieve it."
    it helps me alot and feel free to add me , we can support each other :smile: , i hope that you get your goal any way , and if you want to go on the challenge that am in just tell me its start today :smokin:
  • leighannwilliams
    leighannwilliams Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you

    Well I posted in here more for work out tips. I didn't really put that into my post. I'm sorry ! lol
    I'm walking on my treadmill, and starting to walk at the park near by here. I go to the park, and I have to push myself around the track. There is no going back... Treadmill, I can stop in 10 mins. I'm needing to get myself into some type of routine
    I can do at my weight. So if anyone has any advice on that! I'm ready! Thank you!!
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    Does kiddo have a bike or a tricycle? You can walk and have him ride. I wish I would have had a regular trike when mine was smaller so he would have developed his thigh muscles a little more. We are about to go walk here.