Hey there! My name is Teresa, but you can call me Tessa for short. I am 19 years old and new to MFP. All my life I have been over weight, and now that I am 19, I want to make a change in my life to be fit and healthy, so signing up to MFP is a great start for me. I have started using MFP for 3 days now and I am loving it because I can keep track of my calories and help me stay focus. I am getting used to the food diary, I missed one day so now I carry a small book to keep track on what I eat.

If anyone out there who would like to add me or message me, go on right ahead^^ I know with the support, I can get past of temptations and guilty pleasures:tongue: lol! And we could both encourage and motivate each other into reaching our goals as well.