600 Calories per day!!!



  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    600 Calories per day is what somebody I know is eating!

    I know, I have tried to explain what he is doing is wrong and that eating such a low amount is not only going to make his body go in to starvation mode but can also cause great complications. He suffers with a condition called Narcolepsy which basically if your unaware is a sleeping disorder which he takes medication for. I am worried that he is making a bad decision but unfortunately isn't listening to me!
    I have told him about MFP, but refuses to give it a go.
    Please could anyone comment so I can show him the negetives of only eating this amount.

    He has lost 2 stone (28Ibs) in 6 weeks, which he thinks is good. He is a large man.

    Please help, I have treid to explain but nothing is working.

    Your help is really appreciated.

    Wow. That's not really that much weight to lose even. When I first started I was eating 1760 calories a day and I dropped 30 lbs my first month. Depends on the size you are when you start, but yeah, he's doing himself no favors.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Being in ketosis for a long time can damage your kidneys because your kidneys are being overworked.

    This is a myth. I have been in nutritional ketosis for perhaps 2 years. My urine is pale yellow to clear depending on hydration etc.
    I think she was confusing it with ketoacidosis which is dangerous.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    This thread is from April, 2012.

    OPs friend might be dead by now.
  • UndoneTwo
    I would just let him do what he wants. It's his body, he wants to lose weight his way. If someone told me I was losing weight the wrong way whilst it was still working for me I probably wouldn't listen either. If he plateaus, then maybe try explaining it to him again.

    This. You can't control another person's decisions. Express your concerns. Then drop it or you will probably alienate yourself from him. Who wants their diet criticized every time they talk to their friend? If he asks for your opinion, then give it. Other than that, once you have expressed your concerns I would advise biting your tongue. I know it;s hard when you care about someone, but he's a grown up (I assume) and will continue to make his own choices.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I think the OP should mind your own biz